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The Irish Have Had Enough, Too

Mass illegal immigration is stretching Western society to breaking point.

Not ‘far right’, just had enough. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The Irish, like everyone else in the West, have had a gutsful of mass illegal immigration from Africa and the Middle East. In recent months, Catholics and Protestants have joined together to protest.

Naturally, their government and its media lickspittles screeched about ‘racism’ and ‘the far right’. But the more the elites try to silence the centre, the more they drive decent people who’ve had enough to the extremes.

Violence, sadly, is inevitable.

Anti-migrant groups broke through garda lines at an accommodation centre in Athlone yesterday, gaining access to the site while people hid inside.

Note the lie the media can’t help spouting: “anti-migrant”. These people are in fact illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants who are showered with benefits a native Irish pensioner could only dream of.

A number of people who were in the accommodation centre at the time described themselves as being terrified as a group of men got through the garda barrier, with a member of security injured amid the scenes […]

“We were so scared,” one man said. “When they broke into the camp most guys ran back to the kitchen, to the canteen.”

Well, there’s a turn-up for the books. It’s usually the natives who live in fear of the illegals. Like so many other European countries whose elites have encouraged mass illegal immigration, Ireland has seen a dramatic spike in rape, and other violent crimes. In just one year, recorded rapes leaped by 30 per cent. Media and politicians, of course, lie through their teeth.

Then they wonder why people get so frustrated that they explode into violence.

The demonstrations also resulted in the centre’s generator being damaged – causing residents to have no power for most of the last 24 hours.

Oh no, however will they charge their brand-new iPhones?

Of course, the boat-chasing nosey-nannas are clutching their pearls for the poor widdle illegals.

Athlone For All – a local group of volunteers which provides voluntary support to asylum-seekers staying at the centre – described what took place as a “disturbing” development for the town […]

Asylum-seekers and locals supporting them had sought answers on why there has been no electricity at the site over the past 24 hours. Men told The Journal they were sleeping fully clothed with jackets in a bid to hold off the cold.

Gosh, they’re being treated almost as badly as Irish old-age pensioners.

The man said he has been fearing for his safety and that of his friends since coming to Athlone.

“We aren’t safe here, we aren’t accepted in this town. I have fear that if I go into then town centre that I could get attacked,” he said.

Oh dear. How sad.

You know, you could always go back where you came from, or to one of the dozens of safe countries you bypassed on your way to a life of taxpayer-funded luxury in the West.

Oh, I forgot: no free accommodation or welfare.

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