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When Jacinda Ardern slammed New Zealand into stage four lockdowns, it might perhaps have made New Zealanders scratch their heads and wonder how such draconian panic could be reconciled with Ardern’s endless prating about “kindness”.

After all, what was “kind” about preventing people being with family members at their deathbeds? Leaving old people to die, terrified and alone, with nothing but some beeping machines to see them out of a soulless plastic tent and into the next life?

Such little acts of “lockdown kindness” proliferate wherever the COVID Dictators reign unchallenged.

When Jackie Reeder made the heartbreaking decision to visit her dying mother she could have never imagined she would spend seven hours locked in a room at Perth Airport with no food or water, denied her last chance to say goodbye.

On a recent visit to the Mainland, I kept a fearful eye on the news, lest I find myself stranded without warning and thrown in two weeks of hotel hell. I got lucky. Others, not so much. The unfortunate Ms Reeder found out the hard way that the Little Hitlers of COVID can change everything in just the five hours it takes to fly to Perth.

As the Sunshine Coast local was en route to Perth on Friday, January 8, Premier Mark McGowan announced Western Australia would close its border with Queensland from midnight and passengers on flights from the state would have to quarantine amid fears they could spread a contagious strain of coronavirus.

Upon landing at Perth Airport hours later, Ms Reeder was told restrictions had changed and taken to a room with other travellers, where they were held for seven hours without food, water, or direct contact with West Australian authorities.

But the nice lockdown commissars were saving their punchline for later.

Six hours into the ordeal, she got a phone call to say her mother had died.

Ms Reeder was given the option to visit her mother’s body in the morgue or attend the funeral in a separate room without making any contact with others before flying home.

Aww, wasn’t that kind of them?

Another family also got a lesson in the kindness of COVID commissars.

Melbourne couple Lauran and Anthony Black landed in Perth for a five-day holiday on December 30 after what had been a long and tiring year in Victoria filled with hospital admissions for their 13-year-old daughter Georgia.

The trip was a reward for the teen, who had spent four months in a psychiatric hospital in Melbourne[…]

But barely 24 hours after landing in Perth[…]Mr Black was sitting by the pool at Crown Towers when he received a call from the hotel’s management telling him he must find a suitable hotel for a 14-day quarantine.

They quickly booked flights home for the next day for $1400, but […they]were [then] told they could not leave WA until they completed 14 days of isolation; nine more days than they had planned and packed for.

Fourteen days locked in a hotel room with a teen with mental illness? Oh, how the guards laughed!

After three nerve-racking days in isolation, the Blacks were allowed to leave quarantine to fly home after notifying WA Police of their travel plans.

“I have absolutely no doubt that if we had spent another 48 hours in quarantine it was a life-and-death situation” [said] Anthony Black.
They landed in Melbourne on January 3 but Ms Black said Georgia still hadn’t recovered from the experience and hadn’t been able to sleep since returning to their Balwyn North home.

“We are $6000 out of pocket now for this whole debacle, plus the emotional turmoil that’s put us all through, particularly our daughter,” she said.

A frustrated Mr Black said WA’s quarantine system completely lacked empathy.

Sydney Morning Herald

Hey, they’re saving lives here, people. Now, shut up and eat your gruel and stare at the walls for another two weeks.

It’s the kindest thing to do.

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