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labour pains
Image credit The BFD

Yvette Tufuga

Image credit The BFD.

The Land of the Long Dark Cloud

As the smoke clears from the fire you started By the light of a new day You survey the grounds ( Now that there is no chance of engagement ) You foolish Blinded Deluded Pathetic woman ( & I say that to ‘be kind ‘ )Already at the ready Alike 1984 You put your flying monkeys to work Your Day of the Triffids Your War of the Worlds To carry out your ‘Gas Blanket’ Op We didn’t stand a chanceYou’ve burnt and scarred our Beautiful nation You’ve condemned and shut out Beautiful people Sadly tis the ‘victor’ that writes the history at least of this mortal world  Your tyranny WILL define you & you will be judged May God have mercy on your soul & if he does not Guess you’ll burn in hell Yep yep
