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The Last Time the Party Listened to Janet Wilson They Ended up with Muller as Leader

Another of Todd Muller’s failed cabal, Janet Wilson, has piped up in the media to tell us all that unless National changes, presumably to be as wet and as woke as them, then the party is doomed.

If the National Party is to have any hope of succeeding in any election in the next decade, it must consider the political 3 Rs – its reputation, its relevance, and representation. To do that, it needs to go back to basic values. Who are they? What do they stand for? Do they represent the communities they serve?

It also needs to urgently change a corporatised governance structure that is top-down, marginalising its grass-roots. Steven Joyce’s structure, proposed in the wake of the party’s 2002 defeat, is not the answer for the 2023 election cycle.

It had also better find that urban-liberal wing that has fled to Labour. That wing holds the key to the centrists and the supporters which swung across to John Key in 2008.

Without fresh ideas built on strong values, there is a real possibility the National Party faces irrelevance – becoming just another minor opposition party under MMP.

It’s time it got moving and became the change that’s needed if it’s to be elected again.


Given that Janet Wilson was last relevant when running the PR for Noah’s ark building enterprise, I’m not entirely sure we should be listening to her. Especially as she admits to her own involvement in the ham-fisted and ill-fated Muller leadership coup:

A disclosure; I have skin in this game. Last year I accepted a suicide mission. Partly out of a need to put bread on the table (Covid-19 had momentarily destroyed my business, like many others), I signed a three-and-a-half-month contract as the National Party’s chief press secretary.

It turned into four-and-a-half months of turmoil that started with one leader and ended with another, and included the leaking of Covid-19 patient details and a fantasist’s tawdry sex scandal for good measure. And those were just the stories that hit the headlines. Add into that hellfire mix the fact that the caucus leaked faster than a pasta sieve and the result on October 17 was inevitable.


Yeah, like we should even listen to what she has to say. She was donkey deep in the debacle of Muller’s leadership. She’s just a culpable as Matthew Hooton for the present situation National finds itself in.

I’d rather suggest that these traitors, weasels and enemy within are best ignored so the National party can get on with finding its true roots, standing for its long-forgotten principles and start fighting hard against the woke-ists and Wombles seeking to destroy this country.

What is now very clear is that Todd Muller was a Manchurian candidate, and has been such a confident leaker that he had lost all caution. The guy is the equivalent of an enemy agent. He and any of his tiny little cabal of supporters should decamp to a party more suitable to their wet and woke womble politics…like the Greens…and shut the hell up already.

Or we could explore what has thus far remained unsaid…and join some uncomfortable dots with media who seem to have a propensity to be in the thick of these sorts of upsets bestowing questionable favours in return for leaks. Take the resignation pal, and quietly slide into oblivion and ignominy.

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