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The Left Have Set the Precedent, Now

Unless you cheat the system, the left aren’t interested in you. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Who do you think the green-left would prefer as permanent residents of Australia? A hardworking family who came to the country legally as a skilled worker, and who’ve paid their own way? Or a duo of illegal immigrants, one of them a former member of a terrorist group, who lied to immigration authorities, have cost the taxpayer millions in vexatious lawsuits — of which they lost every one — and bludged everything from a free rental to hundreds of thousands of free money?

Well… you know the answer to that one.

And, just like the last time the left got all “compassionate” on illegal immigrants, it’s not going to end well.

The decision to allow a Tamil asylum seeker family to remain in Australia could set a long-term precedent for foreigners wishing to stay in the country, as a Scottish family looks to slide through the same loophole.

Here’s the thing, though: the Scots have done nothing wrong. In fact, they did everything by the books. Which was their big mistake: the winning path for “migrants” these days is blatant lying and disregard for Australia’s laws.

SA Best politician Frank Pangallo […] highlighted that the Nadesalingams entered the country ‘illegally’ on a boat while Mr Green came as a skilled labourer, paying taxes and making their ‘own way’.

Nades Murugappan hopped on a people smuggling boat because his membership of the Tamil Tigers (he claims he was “forced” to join) supposedly made it unsafe for him to be in Sri Lanka. Which makes it odd that he chose to travel frequently to Sri Lanka, Kuwait and Qatar, spending a whole six months in “unsafe” Sri Lanka. He and his wife were repeatedly denied refugee status by a series of Australian courts. So, they squeezed out a couple of anchor babies and played the tilty-head brigade like a fiddle.

Unfortunately for Mark Green, he hasn’t a pair of brown children to melt the hearts of the nosey-nannas and hanky-wringing green-leftists.

Electrical expert Mark Green, 44, was headhunted for his specialist solar installation skills in 2012 and flown to Adelaide with his wife Kelly, 45, and daughter Rebecca, 19.

But after a series of broken promises by employers left them penniless and stranded without visas, they were set to be kicked out of the country on Wednesday.

It seems that Green’s biggest mistake was going to work for an industry rife with rent-seeking cowboys and shysters.

Every time he’s been eligible, the employers have folded before the paperwork could be completed – and it’s now happened seven times to the devastated family.

After realising they were going to be given the boot, the family were forced to sell almost everything they owned and made the heartbreaking decision to leave their beloved pet labradoodle Maisie and their 10-year-old rabbit Marmaduke behind.

The $35,000 cost of flights and quarantine fees for the animals was just too much to bear for the devastated family […]

The family has lost almost everything in their battle to stay in Australia, spending $150,000 on visa and immigration lawyers, and paying for all their own healthcare.

Even Rebecca’s public state school fees is bleeding them dry with cost stacking up to $8000 a year.

As always, the system seems stacked in favour of the mendicants and unapologetic grifters.

But this time, the grifters have set a precedent.

The family were saved at the last minute thanks to an intervention from a country music legend and the South Australian Premier – with their new immigration lawyer set to use the precedent of the Nadesalingam Tamil family.

Daily Mail

In the case of the Greens, they may deserve to stay — but how many shifty fakefugees are going to jump on the same bandwagon of precedent?

Oh well, at least Anthony Albanese got his chance for another photo-op, in between holidays.
