The most important thing conservatives and centrists consistently fail to understand about the left is that they never take no for an answer, and they are never satisfied.
Say “No” to the left, and they always respond with tantrums, foot-stamping, and toy-throwing. Like spoiled toddlers, they know that if they throw a wobbly long enough, worn-out adults will give them what they want, just to shut them up.
It never works. As is also the way with spoiled toddlers, giving in to the left only encourages them to scream and cry for more.
The other go-to response of the left to a firm “No”, is to sneak behind the adults’ back and do it anyway. Because they know they’ll never be punished.
Australians are learning this lesson, yet again, in the wake of the “Voice” referendum.
First came the sulks and tantrums.
Consider this statement from our incoming governor-general, in a podcast with Julia Gillard late last year: “Frankly, after the referendum I felt completely untethered,” said Sam Mostyn. “I thought perhaps we were a big enough nation and there was enough understanding to make that step … I am horrified to think about what I thought Australia was, growing up with the Captain Cook story and no mention of First Peoples or Frontier Wars. Any of what was hidden from us. It was a catastrophe and I think all of that led to what we saw with the referendum”.
So, the DEI Quota Queen Anthony Albanese installed as the King’s representative is “horrified” by the majority of her fellow Australians.
As for Albanese, he’s busily trying to sneak in what the Australian people so wisely and firmly rejected.
Labor governments are pushing ahead with the “treaty” and “truth” elements of the “Voice, Treaty, Truth” Uluru agenda, as if our referendum rejection never happened.
In its first budget the Albanese Government committed $6 million to a Makarrata (or treaty making) process and, in his recent Close the Gap statement, the PM declared that: “As we take the time needed to get Makarrata and truth telling right, the work of treaty goes on at a state and territory level”.
Next month, you can bet that Makarrata will be the first line item I go looking at on Budget night.
Labor state governments are even worse.
Despite Queensland having the strongest No vote in the country, the government remains committed to requests for reparations (taxpayer compensation), joint management of national parks, renaming of places, changes to school curriculums, and pro-Indigenous changes to the health, justice and child-protection systems as part of a treaty-making process.
Meanwhile, the Queensland LNP opposition, quite sensibly, has pledged to axe the whole thing.
After Queensland, South Australia registered the second-highest percentage No vote. Naturally, the SA Labor government is acting as if it never happened.
Less than 10 per cent of their estimated 30,000 strong Indigenous population voted in elections for the SA Voice to Parliament. And, once elected, these SA Voice members will earn up to $18,000 per annum plus $206 per meeting, as well as various allowances. All for something that South Australians rejected and less than 10 per cent of Aboriginal residents even voted for.
And, of course, there’s no wokeshow without the Cucktorian Punch.
Unsurprisingly, because it’s the laboratory for the green-left, the Victorian Labor government is most committed and most advanced in the so-called Treaty and Truth push. Last week, the Allan government published its response to last year’s Yoorrook For Justice report, accepting almost every one of its 46 recommendations. Even the most radical were marked as under “consideration” rather than rejected outright, including the creation of a separate systems for child protection and police oversight for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Victorians.
The Daily Telegraph
Yet, even Victoria rejected the Voice. And, like South Australia, not even Victoria’s “indigenous” population (who are mostly likely even whiter than Bruce Pascoe) are interested. Just 7% of eligible “indigenous” Victorians even bothered to vote to elect the state’s First Peoples’ Assembly that’s now in charge of Treaty policy.
But that’s how the left will get their way: they’ll use these sham elections almost no-one voted in (in SA, at least three candidates didn’t get a single vote) to claim a “democratic mandate”.
And the very thing Australians so emphatically rejected will be foisted on them anyway.