Simone Seymour
- revolutionary agitators – all those (by whatever name) who would destroy what is called Western civilisation as it is known today. (Radicals, activists, extremists and seditionists might be other names for them.)
- sedition – the act (often sneaky) of influencing or persuading people to disrupt or act against the general customs, rules, laws and order of a society. (Adjective: seditious.)
- communism – a system of totalitarian government where the state (the government) controls everything, absolutely everything – including what food you eat, how much you get – your entire life. (Socialism is very similar.)
- culture – the long accepted, customary way that things function, behave and are done in a group, company, organisation or a nation. (Eg. the general observance of a code of civil and moral conduct.)
- critical theory – the doctrine of challenging the structure of a society’s culture, standards and moral values in a way intended to destabilise that same society. (Especially Western civilisation. No such concept would be permitted in communist North Korea.)
Who would have thought that Western civilisation would destroy itself from within?
The collapse of Western civilisation is upon us. Carefully planned, it’s well advanced and may be unstoppable. It’s a revolution like none of the past. No guns, bullets or bombs. It’s happening ever more quickly, now. Our institutions, laws and social structure have already changed as a consequence. It’s a revolution for the next generation.
Not so long ago, those who agitated for a revolution to overthrow democracy, and all that it stood for, realised that violent revolutions always fail to destroy the ‘establishment’. The violence perpetrated by revolutionary agitators also turns most of the population against them. The revolutionary agitators came to understand that it would be necessary for them to infiltrate, capture and subvert the institutions of democracy from within. That could cause internal divisions within the nation and make the populace turn against themselves. All done without firing a shot or bombing anything.
Despite that change of strategy, the objective was the same: the destruction of Western civilisation’s structure and society. But overturning time-proven culture can’t happen without first destroying those Western, civilised society values. The revolutionary agitators decided that if Western civilisation’s peoples could be made to question, even ridicule, the values and morals that had made their way of life so successful, its political and economic foundation could be easily destabilised, if not destroyed.
The revolutionary agitators want to gain control of Western society’s culture by changing the conscious awareness and opinions of the people. In so doing, communist ‘thinking’ comes to control human thought and imagination. Concentration camps and mass murder can be avoided. Also, there is no need to control all information itself if revolutionary agitators’ political views and ‘thinking’ gain control over the minds that receive that information. Under such conditions, opposition disappears since the people are no longer capable of critical thinking and so don’t have the capacity to understand or accept the reasoned and rational arguments of the revolutionary agitators’ opponents.
A start was agitating ‘racist’ divisions by bringing in immigrants with completely different cultures and values that are hostile to Western values. Those immigrants do not integrate into their new society. This is promoted as inclusiveness, diversity, pluralism/multi-culturalism. Critics of that policy are ‘cancelled’ by being shouted down and labelled with nasty names.
To get more support, revolutionary agitators join what they deem to be oppressed groups – even if those groups do not agree with their revolutionary thinking. The main idea is to influence the voting choice of those oppressed groups.
Such marginalised groups included black or any non-white militants, feminists, homosexual militants, the antisocial, the alienated and various anti-everything-Western misfits. Cultural terrorism (or linguistic fascism) was given a more acceptable title: renamed ‘political correctness’, it becomes a form of guerrilla warfare waged against Western civilisation-type, Judeo-Christian, free-enterprise (capitalist) societies – especially those with a large population of white-skinned people.
To solicit more to the revolutionary agitators’ ranks, victim groups are identified and defended. Non-whites, men-masquerading-as-women and now Muslims: all magically became supposed victims of racism, separatism and genocide. More recently, pseudo-environmentalism was added: climate change being the latest.
The brainwashed adherents to the pseudo-religion of climate change never learned real history but had they done so the total failures of the list of recent history and failed catastrophic predictions would only be inconvenient truths to them. Never let the facts get in the way of good propaganda or lies.
As well as creating doubt and uncertainty in society with a wide variety of fear-mongering lies, the revolutionary agitators also seek employment and involvement in all the civil, media, economic, cultural, religious and political activity in every nation.
Patiently and thoroughly they infiltrate all those institutions to destabilise them into becoming subversive revolutionaries against the very system that allowed them to flourish in the first place. Witless pawns (useful idiots) help to achieve the revolutionary agitators’ final goal of communism – the total control of everyone’s lives.
The strategy is to slowly subvert the major institutions that guide the direction of a culture, thereby creating a soft revolution from within those institutions. They include universities, teacher training colleges, schools, courts, media (newspapers, television, social media), police, charities, military, religions and churches, civil service, political parties of all types, councils, unions, the arts, science, corporations and parliaments.
An important part of that process includes the vilification and/or perversion of science, capitalism, free markets, patriotism, history, tolerance, conservatism, traditional and respectful moral and social values, family institutions and marriage. Unchecked, that cancer will finally spread through society as a whole. The goal being to displace democracy and the culture that had ‘corrupted the working class’, to replace it with a cultureless, communist, new world order.
Examples of that perversion included slogans such as ‘make love, not war’, ‘if it feels good, just do it’, and ‘turn on, tune in, drop out’. All those were mottos from the drug counterculture in the mid- to late 20th century. Scorned and sacrificed at the same time were virtues like a work ethic, respect for authority, community spirit, the pursuit of excellence and honesty.
Alarmingly, the arts and the human mind have been the most easily and subversively corrupted. A few decades ago, it would have been difficult to imagine that art, education and now science would become the puppets of the revolutionary agitators. Standards in all have collapsed. Universities abandoned true learning in favour of a disgusting, diabolical mixture of politically correct causes. Included are pseudocultural studies and the evil bastardisation of language, where words can mean anything you want them to and feelings are more important than facts.
‘Social justice’ is another example. Rather than meaning that everyone should have an equal opportunity to work, create and achieve their desires in life, it now means that everyone should have an equal result in achieving their desires in life, whether or not they work for it at all.
That in turn justifies (pun intended) the revolutionary agitators’ plan of taking from those who work and achieve and giving it to those who choose not to work. (Read The Little Red Hen fable, modern version.)
Continuing on from the subversion of real learning in schools, universities have been transformed from bastions of critical thinking of the Western intellectual tradition into seditious hotbeds of rebellious, politically correct, easily offended wimps to whom intellectual standards are irrelevant. Universities surrendered to revolutionary agitators who had the goal of destroying the universities’ very own intellectual tradition – that ultimately leads to the destruction of the Western civilisation way of life. The university as a bastion of reasoned argument, thoughtful debate and academic freedom was gone.
The now rubbish-studies curriculum replaced teaching students how to think critically, with what to think uncritically.
Those revolutionary agitator graduates go on to become social workers, editors, academics, entertainers, community leaders, journalists, lawyers, politicians and judges. Some are now using the power of social media platforms to slowly but inexorably strangle free speech of the Western civilisation-conservative type.
Those increasing numbers of graduates are now changing a vast array of institutions where they work; that is, working against those established institutions while working within them. Those institutions, more and more, embody and espouse the nonsense the leftist, revolutionary agitators were taught in universities. (Environmental, Social and Governance [ESG] and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion [DEI]) Perversely, it’s more like DIE – as in death for the institutions that adopt such stupidity in place of merit, excellence and achievement.
Worse, the leftist revolutionary agitators are moving even further to the left. Also starting some decades ago, critical theory was increasingly introduced into the soft sciences in universities (humanities like history and psychology) and then, in the last 10 years, it has moved into the hard sciences (maths, engineering, etc) and now into all subjects. It’s now the dominant philosophy, asserting (for example) that mathematics is oppressively racist.
Critical theory is another part of the plan to destabilise big businesses and institutions. It’s a concept that diminishes objective thinking (because there is no ‘objective truth’ in the propaganda of the revolutionary agitators) and affirms a rigid, and at the same time mindlessly stupid, over- and under-dog mindset.
Critical theory’s stance is that the only valid perspective on everything is that of the revolutionary agitators. It rejects the ideas of a liberal, free-enterprise society, where ideas and beliefs are freely debated and discussed. The objective that matters is power and control, with the end result being that only revolutionary agitators’ ideas can be mentioned. Other ideas cannot. Attempts to do so are shut down by direct suppression and cancellation, with the innuendo that anyone who entertains such other ideas should be condemned and in need of psychological help.
Along with that came a host of nasty labels: -ists, -phobes and -isms used to smear and denigrate anyone who could still think for themselves. Sexist, elitist, homophobe, transphobe, racist and colonialist.
The three parts of critical theory seek the destruction of liberal ideas (which promote freedom) and conservative ideas (which preserve values that built Western civilisation).
1) Critical identity theory: the breaking-down of society’s social structures by claiming that those who are part of supposedly privileged groups oppress so-called minority groups (eg the so-called LGBTQ mob).
2) Critical gender theory: the breaking-down of society’s biological structures. For example: allowing biological men claiming to be women to oppress and threaten biological women. (Especially in sport.)
3) Critical race theory: the breaking-down of society’s equality structures by claiming that a society populated largely by a white-skinned majority inherently oppresses any and all racial minorities. (Inherently wrong, as that claim is racist in itself.)
As part of destroying the Western world’s civilised societies, the left’s ‘long march through the institutions’ is also a carefully planned plot to destroy private property rights – the main foundation of those societies.
Limitless tolerance for all such idiocy will inevitably lead to unlimited tyranny and intolerance.
If the loony-left succeeds, it will be a disaster – the end of ‘Western civilisation.’