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Photo credit: Dariusz Sankowski

Sir Bob Jones

In our headlong rush for change we are sometimes in danger of over-looking the virtuous lessons of history in dismissing the past as all bad.

I mention this given the much admired Sir Mo Farah’s revelation (since confirmed by official enquiry) that he was abducted at 9 years of age and taken to England as a domestic slave under a false name. Well, look how well he turned out. Surely this provides adequate testimony for considering the reintroduction of slavery.

Take the bums lying about with begging bowls, despoiling our central cities. I venture they would be immensely happier if confined in barracks and put to work during the day. The lash may be necessary in the early stages but they’d soon get the hang of things. Result: great joy all around.

When back in the 1930s then newly crowned Abyssinian Emperor Haile Selassie, bright eyed with youthful modernising enthusiasm, issued an edict banning slavery, much distress was caused.

Abyssinia, (now Ethiopia) comprises a number of different self-governing statelets. One remote such statelet in the north had bowled along perfectly happily without central government busy-bodism and thus ignored the new anti-slavery order.

Their social structure worked perfectly. The locals swanned about all day, drinking tea, preening and chatting while the perfectly happy slaves in each household, descendants of Ugandans captured centuries earlier, did the house-work and cooking.

When they learnt their ill-thought edict was being ignored, the out-of-touch Addis Ababa bureaucrats sent in the army.

The soldiers duly arrived and ordered the slaves out of their respective households. Much misery ensued. The slaves sat in the street outside their former homes and now homeless and hungry, wept and wailed. Meanwhile inside, the locals, not having a clue how to even boil an egg let alone make their beds, began to starve and they too set up a weeping racket. So the army wisely retreated and the former happy order was quickly restored.

The National Party, as always, devoid of ideas are (correctly) assuming they will coast into office next year by saying nothing. But what if Jacinda or perhaps the Greens should run with this reintroduction of slavery suggestion on humanitarian grounds? It could well save them for a 3rd term, such would be its popularity.  Best of all, it would be another significant step forward in mankind’s march of civilisation.

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