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The Letter Sent to Dr. Tedros of the World Health Organization by President Trump

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

Summary Page One:

  • WHO ignored credible reports of Virus spread in Wuhan in early December.
  • WHO knew that there was a “major health concern” in Wuhan in Late December.
  • Taiwan authorities told WHO of human to human transmission but WHO did not alert the world.
  • China did not inform WHO within 24 hours as the International Health Regulations require them to. They took weeks.
The BFD Page one

Summary Page Two:

  • China covered up when a whistleblower Chinese doctor posted it online. WHO has failed to censure China for this.
  • WHO has repeatedly made grossly inaccurate or misleading claims about COVID-19.
  • WHO failed to press China to admit a WHO team of international experts.
  • WHO praised China’s strict travel restrictions but opposed Trump closing the USA’s border yet China had allowed more than 5 million people (the population of NZ) to travel overseas.
The BFD. Page two.

Summary Page Three:

  • WHO’s inaccurate statements supported China’s pressure on other countries to lift travel restrictions.
  • WHO downplayed the danger citing official Chinese data which was wildly inaccurate.
  • WHO was slow to act. It was in 114 countries by the time they acted.
  • WHO ignored the racism and discrimination against Africans in China but condemned Taiwan as racist for criticising China.
  • WHO praised China for its transparency when the opposite was true.
The BFD. Page three.

Summary Page Four:

  • WHO failed to publicly call on China for an independent investigation into the origin of the virus
  • A previous WHO Director-General did an excellent job just a few years ago. Many lives could have been saved if her example had been followed by her replacement
  • Repeated WHO missteps have proved costly for the world.
  • WHO needs to demonstrate its independence from China
  • The organisation needs reform and it needs to be reformed quickly.
  • If WHO does not commit to substantive improvements in the next 30 days Trump will make his temporary freeze of their funding permanent.
The BFD. Page four
The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

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