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The Lies from the Podium of Truth Grow

refuse vax vaccine no stop Covid health

Part two of Cranmer’s exposure of Labour Government lies is out now. It really is damning. In many ways, it is worse than yesterday’s information.

In his article, he covers the recommendations from the Covid-19 Technical Advisory Group (CV TAG), specifically:

  • To classify a single dose for under 18s as fully jabbed for the purposes of government mandates.
  • That mandates should not apply to those under 18.
  • That young people had a very low risk of harm from Covid and that individual patient decisions on whether or not to take a second shot should be weighed against the risk of myocarditis.

Remember, yesterday we revealed that the government ensured that all messaging regarding the very real and demonstrable harms of myocarditis were removed from ALL communications. At all the briefings from the ‘Podium of Truth’ no mention was ever made by Government officials, from Ashley Bloomfield to Caroline McElnay to Chris Hipkins and Jacinda Ardern, about young people needing to weigh the risks and benefits of taking the jab due to elevated chances of experiencing myocarditis.

I was paying close attention. It was never mentioned.

These people conspired to remove any semblance of informed consent and pressed on regardless with their “Two Jabs for Summer” public relations campaign.

It is not like they never knew, because we know from Cranmer’s first report that they did indeed know, and that the safety signals from both Israel and the United States clearly showed a very real risk of myocarditis from these vaccines. We knew, and they knew, from very early in 2021 that myocarditis was registering as a safety signal, particularly for younger people and more so for young men.

Because New Zealand was behind the rest of the world in its rollout, we were in the advantageous position of being able to LOOK overseas to see what was happening there. Government officials seemed incapable of doing that, or if they did, they ignored the risks and did it anyway. That in my mind makes it criminal.

Overseas health regulators acted under the precautionary principle regarding jabbing their youth. Recommendations were made in the UK, Canada, and Australia for the jab to be given ONLY to those 12 to 15-year-olds at high risk.

Our government ignored this move and the clear reasons for it. That is deliberate. Their actions have harmed people.

The Government took at least six months to convey the seriousness of this risk to medical professionals properly. In the meantime, the largest vaccination drive this country has ever seen took place. Kiwis in no way received adequate information to be able to give informed consent to this procedure. On top of that, anyone who presented with myocarditis was gaslit by the same officials who declared it wasn’t the vaccines, that if it was it was very rare, and more likely caused by a Covid infection rather than the “safe and effective” vaccines.

This Government wanted every man, woman, and child in the country jabbed with as many doses as they deemed necessary (a measure that continued to increase over time due to the product’s ineffectiveness). They held our freedoms as a carrot and coerced our low-risk youth by denying them access to entertainment, education, employment and training, sports, driver’s license tests, social activities, and more, to break them and force compliance. They ignored human rights issues and forged ahead anyway. Many people were harmed as a result.

If ever there were a case for a class action against negligent and faulty decision-making, then this is it.

The reason our Government chose to ignore the advice from their very own advisory group, in particular altering the dosing schedule due to safety concerns, was because no admission of risk could be allowed to exist. Indeed, they actively suppressed the information, deliberately.

They went so far in their commitment to deceive that they ordered the scrubbing of any reference to the risk of myocarditis from official messaging. Deliberately, callously, and with scant regard for the health of our young people. When they did, this Labour Government ceased to have any remaining mandate to govern for all Kiwis. They abrogated their responsibilities in a craven and shameful manner.

Official admission of a problem warranting a departure from the uniform dosing interval recommendation for all would have generated uncomfortable questions that our leaders weren’t prepared to answer. It would also have been latched onto by independent media such as The BFD and amplified to ensure that Kiwis understood their decisions’ consequences.

And so, they lied and lied and lied some more. Every lie incurring a debt to the truth. They reassured us the jab was safe and made noises about dosing interval changes being based on efficacy while wholly and deliberately avoiding the problems with safety. Now, the truth has come calling on that debt.

Why should you care?

The New Zealand Government has lied to the public – repeatedly. Over and over again. And now we have the proof.

Government ministers, including our Prime Minister, have deliberately put you and your children at risk of harm from an experimental product with known serious adverse effects.

If these people are not held to account by the public, there will be no incentive for them or others to never do this again to the people of New Zealand.

This is why it is essential to speak up. There is no time for complacency. We are being ruled by reckless tyrants who care more about their power and agendas than your health. These documents prove that fact.

Have a conversation today. Voice your dissatisfaction – everywhere. Ask questions of others. Be a part of a change for good. Stand up for what is right and for your children’s and our nation’s future!

This must NEVER happen again.

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