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three brown deers
The BFD. Photo by Nick Fewings

Viv Forbes
Washpool Qld, Australia

The Green Virus is on a rising curve in the Anglo-Sphere.

Boris, Biden, Kerry, Trudeau, Arden and Australia’s Morrison are all competing to be the first to destroy all industries reliant on coal, cattle, petrol and diesel. Hydrogen, solar, wind, pumped hydro, bio-fuels, carbon cemeteries and batteries are hyped everywhere, especially in academia, Hollywood, most media and the bureaucracies. Big business is widely supportive – they see big profits in supplying metals for this Green Revolution and mining more coal to power Carbon Capture plants.

The forlorn hope is that if we spend enough money on green indulgence payments it will end floods, fires, droughts, cyclones and “super-storms”.

These green shackles will certainly cool the economy, but we should hope they do not cool the climate. When natural cyclic cooling sends Arctic ice sheets marching south again, and Chicago, Moscow, Berlin and London are threatened, people living near a nuclear power station or an operating coal mine will be the lucky ones. And no one will waste food crops to produce bio-diesel.

Look at Earth in the Last Ice Age, 20,000 years ago

From: The Inconvenient Skeptic, by John Kehr, 2011.

We cannot afford to fight the Covid Virus and the Green Virus at the same time.

Without more reliable energy like nuclear power or massive hydro-electric schemes, this Green War on hydro-carbons must bring shortages and rationing. Still nights followed by windless cloudy days will see whole cities or states blacked out, electric vehicles stranded, old people shivering and panic buying in supermarkets.

The 2016 Paris Climate Agreement was history’s longest suicide note.

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