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The Looming Backlash Against ‘Transgenderism’

Children shouldn’t be guinea pigs for looney Marxist theories.

As Thomas Sowell notes, “intellectuals” are insulated from the consequences of their faddish monomanias in a way that almost no other profession is. As one leftist “intellectual” fad after another, from eugenics to communism, has collapsed in ignominy and misery, those responsible for festering these madnesses simply sail gaily on to their next big idea, consequence-free.

“Transgenderism” is little different. A reckoning for this nonsensical, damaging ideology is fast approaching. But the “ignorant frauds” (to use Camille Paglia’s phrase) responsible for this damaging nonsense will safely keep their tenure and their student acolytes. The price will be paid, not just by a generation of young people damaged, possibly permanently, in mind and body, but by the medical practitioners who failed to consider for one instant the hideous consequences of their latest fad.

The transgender medical model will come under pressure as more young adults live to regret this life-changing decision and begin lawsuits against hospital gender clinics, according to a former US health regulation lawyer.

“(The trans model is) on a tear right now and by that I mean it’s found a massive market with massive upside, and until that is shown to have a shortfall and cost them something, it’s not going to stop,” Jane Wheeler said. In Australia, troubled clinicians have urged the federal government to set up an urgent inquiry into the safety and ethics of “experimental” hormone drug treatment of girls as young as nine and boys from 11.

They say trans activism has trumped ethics and obscured the weak evidence for this radical treatment, with the dominant ­“affirmation model” pushing children down a medical path that can leave them infertile and incapable of orgasm, among other side-­effects. Ms Wheeler, a lesbian whose decade as a health lawyer in ­California dealt with informed consent and standards of care, is president of a new US group called Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics, which focuses on the ­vulnerability of children, especially girls, to promotion of risky hormone treatment and surgery.

There are good reasons that children are prevented from making a great many decisions, or being held responsible for many of their actions: because immature minds are simply unable to grasp long-term consequences. The idea that children should be allowed to decide to alter their bodies, perhaps forever, is insanely irresponsible.

“It’s the question of consent and the lack of long-term research studies with medical interventions in this group (that worries us),” she told The Australian.

Gender clinics are expanding, with wider and younger use of ­puberty blocker drugs to pause unwanted sexual development, as well as irreversible cross-sex hormones and surgery to mimic ­opposite sex characteristics.

The capons are coming home to roost.

The US is seeing early signs of what ­clinicians believe will be a wave of regretful “detransitioners” across the English-speaking world.

Researchers say evidence from the days before puberty blockers suggested the vast majority of children with early “gender dysphoria” — unhappy with their biological sex — will self-correct as they mature, many coming out as gay or bisexual. But now, feminists say, the trans lobby teaches children the regressive lesson that if they do not conform to narrow gender stereotypes, they are probably “trapped in the wrong body”.

Tasmania-based whistleblower advocate Isla MacGregor said talks had begun among “several dozen” health and medical experts — including former gender clinic staff — in Australia, the US, Britain, Canada and New Zealand, to energise open debate and counter misinformation, threats and abuse from the trans lobby.

Ms Wheeler said: “This is a medical scandal. We’ve lowered the basic standards of care of protecting minors — and it will come back to haunt us. All of these children are going to be blamed for their own sexual dysfunction, their own inability to have children, their own cardiac problems — parents and doctors are going to say, but this is what you wanted. How evil is that, to do to a child.”

Academic Jennifer Oriel is far more blunt.

They’re castrating children…

Taxpayer-funded organisations are pushing the barrow for transpolitics. The Australian Human Rights Commission has warned sporting groups to adopt its transgender code to minimise discrimination complaints. Publicly funded medics are experimenting on children but refuse to answer detailed questions from journalists. Labor and Greens MPs are leading the charge to legislate the lie that birth sex can be changed. People who dissent from transpolitics are called phobic, bigoted and accused of hate speech. How did we get here?
