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The Ludicrous Green Party

Perhaps the truth may lay in better the 14 person status quo when one considers the next in line who would join them, namely Benjamin Doyle.

Photo by Seth / Unsplash

Sir Bob Jones
No Punches Pulled

The Greens have not exercised the Waka jumping option against Darleen Tana which would enable them to have their entitled 15 MPs, as per their last election percentage vote under MMP.

This they argue is because historically they never supported that provision on the grounds that it would lead to ending opinion diversity within a party. That was silly. There’s a rich variety of opinions on every topic in any group of people and democracy resolves debated issues, plus compromise is part and parcel of politics.

I suspect they know that and thus I wonder why they’re not acting to eject the crooked Darleen Tana from her Māori nirvana of living royally off the long suffering taxpayer in return for nothing.

Perhaps the truth may lay in better the 14 person status quo when one considers the next in line who would join them, namely Benjamin Doyle.

On face value Benjamin has standard key NZ Green Party credentials, notably being a homosexual and having some Māori ancestry.

But it was publication of his Masters thesis which emerged following the possibility of his elevation that doubtless alarms them.

This is the biggest load of sheer gibberish I’ve ever read.

The Press Gallery will be slavering with high entertainment expectations should Benjamin make it to Wellington. They will bail him up at every opportunity and ask him what day it is and such like tricky posers. And judging by his thesis nonsense, it’s odds on he will richly reward them with his responses.

