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The Magical Shaky Isles of the Left’s Fantasies

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

It’s an old idea, deeply ingrained in the Anglo-Celtic imagination, that the “Blessed Isles” lie just across the sea. Of course, in most European lore, those magical fantasy-lands were in the west. But, in the fairy-tale world of the Australian left, the Big Rock Candy Island lies east, across the Tasman sea.

Despite being the most privileged people in this country, the Green-left just can’t stop pissing and moaning about losing elections. So, instead, they daydream about their favourite fantasy-land and its fairy queen.

Take Melbourne barrister Julian Burnside. He lives a lifestyle to which most Australians would aspire. But he’s not happy with his lot. On New Year’s Day, Burnside tweeted: “The only thing worse than #ScottyFromMarketing as PM is the possibility of @PeterDutton replacing him. If that happens, it will be time to move to NZ where they HAVE a real leader.”

Of course, like US celebrity elites blustering about moving to Canada, there is absolutely nothing to stop Burnside doing exactly what he says. He absolutely has the means to do so, much more so than just about anyone. Yet, like a festering boil on the arse of Australia chattering classes, he just won’t go away.

And so it came to pass that Burnside remained in Australia and unsuccessfully contested last year’s election as the endorsed Greens candidate in the Melbourne seat of Kooyong.

Burnside worked hard to defeat Josh Frydenberg with the help of leftist activist groups such as GetUp. But the ­Coalition won both seats and votes in the election.

So, Burnside throws the usual tanty and once more threatens to run away from home.

The fascination of some Australians with New Zealand seems to have coincided with the elevation of New Zealand Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern to Prime Minister in September 2017, leading a minority government with the support of New Zealand First led by Winston Peters.

Without doubt, Ardern is a successful politician with an ability to project empathy. But her political legacy has yet to be established. Despite this, some Australians appear to have fallen in love with Ardern’s New Zealand.

“Yet to be established” is putting it kindly. As BFD readers are painfully aware, Ardern’s “year of delivery” has been a colossal failure. That doesn’t stop the prattling class of Australian media-elites farting out their endless, fact-free nonsense.

Members of the Kiwi fan cub in Australia, like Burnside, rarely protest against how little New Zealand does with respect to its refugee and humanitarian intake. At five million people, New Zealand’s population is about one-fifth of Australia’s yet it accepts far fewer than one-fifth of those who find refuge in the area of Austral­asia. Then there is the fact, as Australian Energy Minister Angus Taylor has pointed out, that New Zealand’s carbon dioxide emissions are increasing, not declining.

I often respond to Australian Ardern-enthusiasts that Ardern’s election is somewhat akin to Julia Gillard winning an election by entering into a coalition with One Nation and making Pauline Hanson deputy PM. Which is an insult to Hanson, of course – but the Pauline Hanson of the left’s imagination is a shonky old xenophobe who manipulates a tiny minority of the vote to cling to their political career.

This confuses the poor lefties, of course. It’s a bit like telling them that the Wiggles strangle puppies. It’s so worth watching their baffled, hurt expressions, though.

Sure, the Land of the Long White Cloud is a fine place to live. But its population is unlikely to blossom following an intake of Australians. There is no evidence in suburban, rural or regional Australia that citizens are thinking about doing a Burnside and seeking political refuge across the Tasman. This is just a fantasy for some Australians who can afford to be alienated.

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