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Charming. The BFD.

Imagine if, when General Eisenhower released the horrifying footage of the liberation of Dachau and Auschwitz, left-wing “progressives” had marched in their thousands across the Allied nations, proclaiming their allegiance to the Reich?

That’s what has happened this week.

The mask is off for all to see: if you want to picture an anti-Semite today, forget the brown shirts and shiny boots, forget the shaven heads and leather jackets. Today’s most virulent anti-Semite wears a Greens t-shirt and a keffiyeh, and is most likely to be found at a university or on the government payroll. They almost certainly won’t be a white supremacist, but rather a vocal “refugees welcome” advocate.

Beyond the horror of the worst violence unleashed against Jews since 1945, just as shocking has been the instinctive reaction of the chattering classes of the left. When Palestinian savages murdered thousands of Jews in a bloodbath that included burning grandmothers and teenage girls alive, massacring innocents and beheading babies, even gutting pregnant women and slaughtering the unborn, how did the left react?

By cheering it on.

By “standing with” the blood-soaked brutes of Palestine.

By pouring hate and scorn on the Jewish people — not least at memorials intended to remember the innocent slain.

A group of pro-Palestinian supporters gathered in protest outside Auckland War Memorial Museum, waving flags and chanting “free Palestine” on Sunday evening, as the museum lit up blue and white in support of Israel.

The (im)moral equivalent of throwing Hitler salutes and chanting “Sieg Heil” on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Video of the incident shows multiple cars parked outside the museum, where Palestinian supporters covered the lights with jackets and scarfs, effectively “blacking out” the museum lights.
Let’s not pussy-foot: they’re not “Palestinian supporters”, they’re anti-Semites.

But, lest we doubt where the New Zealand media’s sympathies lie, consider how they describe the worst progrom against Jews in nearly 80 years.

This comes one week after the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel as part of their historical and long-standing conflict.

The militants fired thousands of rockets at Israel while dozens of fighters infiltrated the border and invaded Israeli communities.

That’s it. Those two, pathetic, sterile sentences are how Stuff chooses to describe a cold-blooded massacre of thousands, including the horrifying torture and mutilation of children.

Like the anti-Semites goose-stepping on the Auckland War Memorial Museum, Stuff throws in its lot with the Jew-haters.

Meanwhile, an Israeli order to cut off all food, electricity and water to Gaza will worsen the plight of residents in what has been called the “world’s largest open-air prison.”


78 years ago, Stuff would have been wringing its hand over the plight of residents in Berlin. That would be after it described WWII as “the Wehrmacht infiltrated the border of Poland”.

Shame on them. Shame on them all.

But the disgusting reactions to the Hamas unprovoked slaughter have not just exposed the anti-Jewish biases of the media and the green left: it’s brutally exposed the hateful anti-Semitism that’s become near-ubiquitous on university campuses.

Scores of rallies attended by tens of thousands of Americans popped up across the US over the weekend seeking to justify Hamas’s horrific terrorism.

In Baltimore, speakers at one rally repeatedly called to “end the scourge of Zionism” and “destroy Israel” as cars drove past, honking in approval.

But nowhere is the moral rot more egregious than in the nation’s most prestigious universities, which, for all their talk of “diversity” and “inclusion”, have become intellectual wellsprings of militant intolerance.

It’s not just a case of an extremist fringe, either. Sydney University, for instance, has celebrated Jew-killing terrorists on the front of its student newspaper, while barring Jewish student organisations from its O-week festivities. In another infamous incident, a university faculty member was filmed screaming abuse and waving a five-dollar bill in the face of an elderly Jewish woman.

Meanwhile, at the supposedly prestigious Harvard University, no less than 31 student organisations signed a statement blaming Israel as “entirely responsible” for Hamas’ butchery.

In June, Harvard offered its employees a two-hour workshop on “addressing microaggressions at work”. Heaven forbid staff accidentally use the wrong pronoun, but mass murder … “well, it’s complicated”. Harvard isn’t the only elite institution exhibiting support for terrorism. Last week at Stanford – the Harvard of the west – a teacher was reportedly suspended for physically separating Jewish students from others in class and downplaying the Holocaust.

The left’s most sainted activist group, Black Lives Matter, ramped the anti-Semitism to an even more deplorable standard. Its social media post of a Hamas paratrooper and an “I Stand with Palestine” slogan was the modern-day equivalent of posting the SS Totenkopf with the legend, “I Stand with the Third Reich”.

Democratic congressman Ritchie Torres denounced the Democratic Socialists of America rally held in New York in support of Palestine “as an anti-Semitic stain on the soul of America’s largest city”, but for moderate Democrats it’s a very uphill battle.

To his credit, Joe Biden for once managed to make a coherent and admirable statement condemning Hamas and supporting Israel unequivocally — but he did so against considerable resistance from his own party and even cabinet.

News reports suggest the President and his very closest advisers significantly changed the text from what was a more lukewarm expression of support. His Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, issued a tweet calling for a ceasefire immediately after the attacks, and then deleted it.

The Australian

Anti-Semitism is no longer a hidden cancer in the West, and it’s no longer confined to the murkiest fringes of the genuinely far-right.

It’s an open, festering wound on the face of the mainstream left.
