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The King Makers. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

The mayhem we are currently witnessing on the left tells us all we need to know about how a Labour/Greens/ Maori Party Government might ruin the country. While some unprintable words might best describe it, let’s just say it would be predictably worse than the current fiasco and that is saying a lot. For a start, it is obvious these people would be at each others’ throats most of the time, particularly the Labour Maori Caucus and the Maori Party. Labour would be the ‘meat in the sandwich’.

The King Makers. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

Bearing in mind Labour’s inability to handle the current Maori Caucus, imagine adding the Maori Party into the governing mix. Tribal warfare is not beyond the bounds of possibility. The number of distractions it would involve would be beyond the capabilities of the Labour lot to handle. They struggle enough to govern in a meaningful way now, so the mind boggles at how they would cope leading such a triumvirate.

Labour right now is entering troubled waters. Putting their governing ineptness to one side, it is apparent all is not sweetness and light in the party. The Meka Whaitiri fiasco is tantamount to a scandal. It appears a lot of jiggery-pokery has gone on to allow Whaitiri to stay on in Parliament.

The take from Sean Plunket on The Platform is that Whaitiri sent a letter to the Speaker advising him of her resignation. He says he suspects John Tamihere then got in touch with the Speaker asking for the letter to be withdrawn. This presumably led to Whaitiri staying on as an Independent when under the waka jumping rules she should be gone. She is not a Labour MP, she is not a Maori MP, nor should she be an Independent.

The Green Party looks no better with Elizabeth Kerekere causing problems over a “cry baby” comment. The upshot of that is we suddenly find there are two Maori female Independent MPs in Parliament. Kerekere, as Sean Plunket pointed out, is a list MP, representing nobody, and he also wonders how she gets to sit as an Independent. Most of the Green MPs more resemble hard-left radicals than environmentalists.

The Maori Party are nothing more than a couple of loose cannons. They contribute nothing of substance to Parliament and are only interested in pursuing their racist divisive agenda. The cowboy hat is an insult to Parliament and should not be allowed. Their hijinks in the House on Tuesday afternoon with a non-approved powhiri showed them up for what they are – a couple of disrespectful clowns.

I saw, courtesy of Sally on Backchat, the result of a motion put to Parliament on Tuesday which read as follows:

That this House congratulates His Majesty the King on the occasion of his coronation. The result was as follows:
Ayes 106
New Zealand Labour 62
New Zealand National 34
ACT New Zealand 10
Noes 3
Te Pati Maori 2 Whaitiri
Abstentions 10
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand 9 Kerekere

I’ll give the Maori Party their due. They made no bones about the waka they were in, unlike the gutless Greens.

Leaving governance aside, I can’t see Labour controlling a rabble of that sort. It will be more like what we are witnessing now – acquiescing at every turn. It is critical that, at the election, those of us on the right vote in a way that ensures this nightmare will not ensue. The risk to the country is just too great. Winston, even on the cross benches, would be preferable.
