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The Media Are Hamas’ Best Friends

Western media reporting on Palestine. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

How soon before the Australian left-media rename the Walkley Awards to the David Irving Awards for Outstanding Denial?

As I wrote recently, the media are nothing if not dedicated Hamas fangirls. But even Stuff’s demented parroting of Hamas propaganda pales in comparison with the Australian mainstream media’s determination to cheer-lead for murdering scum even worse than ISIS and the SS Einsatzgruppen.

Case in point: the media fell over themselves in their haste to repeat the obvious lie that an explosion at Al-Shifa hospital was an Israeli bomb, rather than what it obviously was: a Hamas rocket that fell short. Similarly, the media refused to believe that bloodthirsty Hamas monsters beheaded and mutilated babies in Israel. Even after eyewitnesses and forensic evidence proved the story, the media still quibble and obfuscate on how many victims there were: as if there is some kind of vital moral difference between one beheaded baby or dozens.

Now, they’re furiously trying to gloss over the fact of mass rape by Hamas savages.

Or even that their beloved Palestinians even committed any atrocities at all.

Editors at the Sydney Morning Herald disputed references to Hamas’s mass rapes and killing of children on October 7 in an opinion column and demanded changes to align with its editorial position that the terror group’s crimes have not been fully proven, a freelance arts writer says.

Because, y’know, it’s not as if Palestinians didn’t proudly livestream it all for the world to see.

[Ariela Bard] says in her column in the Australian that she was told by SMH staff that she needed to abide by the paper’s “editorial line” when discussing crimes committed in Israel.

Which is obviously, “La-La-La-la-we-can’t-hear-you-la-la-la”.

“In addition, in keeping with their editorial line, the word rape (used in the context of the October 7 massacre) needed to be prefaced with the words ‘alleged’ or ‘considerable, or, mounting evidence of’,” she wrote.

She told the Australian: “I felt confronted that with all of the available evidence from ­eyewitnesses and paramedics of rape and extreme sexual ­violence that there were ­organisations still asking for more proof.

“They still require more evidence … of shattered pelvises and partially or completely or unclothed women with clear signs of having been brutally raped.”

Yeah, but apart from all that, no one can really be sure.

She was also told to clarify that the October 9 rally outside the Sydney Opera House where pro-Palestinian supporters chanted “gas the Jews” was “disputed” and she could not write it as fact.

I mean, it’s not as if there aren’t indisputable video recordings of them doing it.

How the mainstream media reacted.
The Age was also forced to amend an article about a ­Melbourne vigil held after attendees claimed female advocacy groups failed to show solidarity with Israeli women who had been attacked.

It stated: “Federal Liberal senator Sarah Henderson said Australians needed to know about and condemn ‘the rape, the brutality, the kidnapping, the torture and the murder’, without citing examples.”

The Age received complaints about the remark that Senator Henderson did not cite ­examples.

Senator Henderson told the Australian: “Given the vigil was held to call out the silence over atrocities committed against Jewish and Israeli women by Hamas terrorists, I am disappointed that a media report sought to question these facts.”

The Australian

Next up from the left media: The Holocaust never happened and Hitler was just misunderstood.


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