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The Media Don’t Even Want to Tell the Truth

Which of these fake news pundits told the biggest, most damaging lies? The BFD.

A good rule of thumb for dealing with the left-media (oops, a tautology) is that when they are screaming and accusing (which is most of the time), they’re screeching into a mirror.

Case in point: the mainstream media’s recent gibbering about “entering a post-truth world”. Naturally, they were shrieking about the Bad Orange Man. But the truth is that it’s the mainstream media who’ve abandoned objective pursuit of fact in favour of “narrative”.

They’re not even hiding it, either: the Columbia Journalism Review, supposedly the acme of hard journalism, blithered about “get[ting] rid of objectivity in journalism”. A Pulitzer-winning CBS journalist describes objectivity as “a failed experiment”.

The liberal Left media divergence from the mainstream has blinded them to reality and truth.

When journalists serve only their green Left clique, they can surrender their allegiance to the facts and become slaves to the narrative. The more journalism serves a narrative, the more it dishonours the truth.

It’s no wonder that American academic Wilfred Reilly titled his book Taboo: 10 Facts You Can’t Talk About. “It has become virtually impossible,” says the blurb to Reilly’s book. “To honestly discuss race, gender, and class issues[…]because if you dare repeat certain ‘tabooo truths,’ you’ll be ostracized as a bigot.”

Hence the Love Media failed to interrogate the highly questionable and demonstrably exaggerated Dark Emu claims by Bruce Pascoe; most Western media ignored obvious evidence that Covid-19 might have originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology; the ABC and like-minded media have accepted tendentious and thin character assassinations by Louise Milligan and Four Corners against Cardinal George Pell, former Attorney-General Christian Porter and Prime Minister Scott Morrison; and after years of media obsession about every Donald Trump extravagance and error, the deeply worrying stumbles of President Joe Biden are censored. (And I will not even bother, here, to reprise the deceptions on climate change and border protection.)

We live in a time universal deceit, where, as Orwell said, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Telling the truth will also, as Reilly says, get you labelled as a “bigot” or a “-phobe”. Journalists, sheep that they are, are terrified of being ostracised, so they lie and lie and lie, while their fellow journalists clap and hoot approval.

Increasingly, reality does not matter so much in public debate as the narrative. Journalists come to know that the way to win plaudits and acceptance from their colleagues is not by interrogating facts but by advancing narratives.

Journalists’ allergy to the truth is best illustrated by the unfolding “narrative” over the Wuhan virus.

Until recent weeks, most of the world’s media, certainly that aligned with the liberal Left, have either ignored or dismissed the Wuhan laboratory leak theory.

Why would this be? Perhaps the biggest story in the world, many facts available and ignored, the only plausible answer is that because then president Donald Trump flagged the lab leak theory and wanted to blame China for the pandemic, it did not suit the “narrative” of those wanting to pin America’s pandemic pain on the president.

Yet, suddenly, the mainstream media are all over the lab leak theory. They’ve turned on a dime and refuse to even acknowledge that they’re suddenly contradicted what they’ve been shouting at us all year. What changed? Not the evidence: that’s been there all along. All that’s changed is the current occupant of the White House.

US political examples abound. Last year there was media hysteria claiming Trump had ordered police to clear protesters from Lafayette Square, adjacent to The White House, so he could attend a church photo opportunity. The New York Times called this a “defining moment” and the line was run here by the ABC, of course, and at Channel 10 where Trump’s alleged actions were described as “inflammatory”.

But a US investigation this month found there was no political input into the decision to clear the square. Police made the call so workers could safely install security fencing – this correction has come way too late to alter the narrative and was not reported prominently.

Even when the lie is corrected almost immediately — for instance, the lie that Capitol security guard Brian Sicknick was “beaten to death with a fire extinguisher” — the media either ignore the correction or just keep on lying anyway.

The last thing the media want to hear, either, are the voices of the “common herd”.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation this week decided to cut themselves off from viewer comments on social media to protect their journalists from criticism. Rather than be accountable, they will further isolate their staff from the mainstream.

The Australian

Similarly, leftist bible The Guardian, shuts off commentary on nearly all of its articles. Including, hilariously, its “Comment is Free” section.

(Compare that with the open comment policy of The BFD: anyone can comment on a BFD article. All that’s required is that they abide by a comment policy designed to make The BFD’s comment section “interesting to read and respectful to everyone. Your opinion will not be moderated, but how you express it can be.”)

The mainstream media, on the other hand, are allergic to truth and contrary opinion. They don’t want to tell the truth and they certainly don’t want to hear it from you.

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