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The Media’s Disaster Addiction

The White Island volcano did what any volcano might do naturally, but the fact people were on it having a tourist experience when it happened was a terrible tragedy.

The aftermath, however, is the MSM reviving the likes of Pike River, the Christchurch Earthquake, and the Christchurch terror attack whilst using the tragedy to promote by stealth, the conversion of yet another European geographical name into a Maori one.

It needs to stop. I even saw some numpty attributing the explosion to the fraud that is “climate change” by saying this is what you get if you deny climate change.

Immediately the media and the politicians exclaimed that New Zealanders wanted full information, full transparency from the Police and the full statistics for the disaster-addicted. The Police and rescuers were questioned and bullied while still trying to do their jobs. ‘Call outs’ were heard, saying that the communications systems to the public were simply not good enough; what do they want, live-streaming? I say, no, thank you very much.

Those on White Island at the time were there for a tourist experience knowing full well they were going to be standing on an active volcano as they all had signed a disclaimer!

Certainly, I was risk-aware when last year we climbed Vesuvius in Italy and looked into the gassing volcanic depths, being fully aware that an eruption might occur. Of course, it is expected that some of the White Island tourists will now say that they didn’t know there was a risk.

Most of the New Zealand media and the wider commentariat are now, of course, instant armchair experts, opining that

  • Further lives are worth putting at risk to retrieve the bodies (similar to Pike River).
  • The tours should not have been operating that day. (Hindsight, of course, is a wonderful thing. Let’s wrap everyone up in cotton wool, shall we?)
  • There must be an inquiry. (Labour love having those at a drop of a hat; it’s a wonder they didn’t censor the volcano.)
  • Criminal charges should be laid. (Sure, let’s arrest the volcano for the tragedy.)
  • The tours should stop altogether. (Why? The left-wing reaction is always to ban something rather than to solve problems so they don’t happen in the future.)
  • There are things that are not appropriate to post on social media. (Free speech is attacked again.)

White Island is the second volcanic eruption this year in which tourists were killed. An explosion from Stromboli in Italy killed a tourist last July.

A few years ago, over 40 died when an unexpected explosion caught hikers unaware at Mount Ontake in Japan, and at least six hikers were killed at Mayon in the Philippines during a volcanic blast.

The media and the far-left, however, will not let any of these facts get in the way of a good story.

‘White Island’ will be spun to make the entire tragedy far more controversial than it is, in part as propaganda promoting the far-left wing dark agenda of control which includes the denigration of European civilisation.

Attempting to force the silent majority of New Zealand to become hooked on disaster and tragedy is clearly not the way to go. The media hopefully won’t take the hint, particularly after the USA, Australian and UK elections where the silent majority voted against the Marxism of the left, the elitist media, academics and champagne-socialist elitist propaganda.

There is hope in New Zealand, that individuals will exercise some common sense and wake up to the scams, instead of worrying about volcanoes, earthquakes and weather that are beyond the control of mankind. We should be concentrating on dodgy politicians and be wary of our undemocratic MMP system where voter majority doesn’t matter.
