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The unabashed farce of the “Medivac” laws foisted on Australia by the left-elite just keeps getting worse.

“Medivac” refers to the laws forced through by millionaire watermelon Kerryn Phelps, colluding with the Greens and Labor, in order to circumvent Australia’s tough border protection policies. Its intended beneficiaries are the rump of shiftless illegal immigrants who steadfastly refuse to just take a hint and piss off from the luxurious, taxpayer-funded holiday resorts scattered across tropical islands to Australia’s north.

Infuriated at being stumped at the ballot box by the Australian public, the open borders left-elite have stopped at nothing to make sure their pet illegals get a golden ticket to a lifetime of welfare in Australia. The “medivac” gambit allows doctors in Australia to simply rubber-stamp “medical reasons” to smuggle grifting illegal immigrants to Australia, where they know full well they’ll never be dislodged.

Now, the white-coated people-smugglers are shipping in some of the worst dregs of the world’s shitholes.

An asylum-seeker accused of molesting a child on Nauru will be brought to Australia under controversial medivac legislation, in a move that has been lashed by Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton as a “huge risk” to the Australian public…

Mr Dutton told 2GB on Thursday he was furious the asylum seeker who has been accused of child molestation and assaulting women would enter Australia under the laws.

“The way the laws have been set up it allows people of this bad character to come in, and I know Kristina Keneally and Anthony Albanese have argued hard for these people to be able to come to Australia but this individual is an example of exactly why we called this a bad bill.”

There have long been reports that so-called “asylum seekers” on Manus and Nauru have been involved in everything from drug dealing to rape and child prostitution.

The Daily Telegraph revealed on Thursday the Burmese man was accused of molesting a child on Nauru in 2015, but the charge was later dropped as the child’s family didn’t want them to testify.

He was also accused of allegedly kicking his girlfriend and her mother in the face, but the charges were also dropped.

There were very good reasons for not letting these creeps in here, in the first place. And now we’re stuck with them, thanks to the “compassionate” left.

“Even after medical attention we can’t send him to either Nauru, Manus or the country from which he came from,” Mr Dutton said. “So it’s infuriating and I think it presents a huge risk to the Australian public, but for some reason the Labor Party won’t support the abolition of this in the Senate.”

Scott Morrison needs the support of Senate crossbencher Jacqui Lambie to repeal the medivac laws, which were passed prior to the May 18 election by Labor and independent MPs in defiance of his then minority government.

The useless idiots of the green-left won’t be happy until they’ve turned Australia into the same rape horror-shows as Germany and Sweden.
