The British left love to prattle about the ‘Battle of Cable Street’, which saw the humiliation of Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts in running street battles. Nearly a century later, though, they’re about to re-enact it… only this time, they’re wearing the black shirts.
The Metropolitan Police have issued a major threat to pro-Palestinian protesters ahead of a planned demonstration beginning at the BBC headquarters.
The force informed the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) that their march could cause disruption to a nearby synagogue, and strongly advised the group to rearrange their demonstration.
If they fail to do so, then the Met said they will consider the use of the Public Order Act conditions “as appropriate”.
Given what we’ve seen the UK police regard as ‘appropriate’ to date, that probably means the bobbies will be donning keffiyehs and arresting any Jews with the temerity to be seen anywhere near their own synagogue on a Saturday. And don’t you dare tweet a single bad word about the anti-Semitic mob bellowing their Hamas slogans and openly supporting proscribed terror groups.
The fact that these thugs so often target synagogues also gives the complete lie to their claims to be ‘anti-Israel, not anti-Semitic’. Is there anyone stupid enough to still buy that line?
Probably anyone stupid enough to believe this:
The group aims to protest against the BBC’s “pro-Israel bias of its coverage”.
They can’t be serious. The BBC couldn’t be more anti-Israel if it was run by Goebbels and staffed by Hamas.
The BBC violated its own editorial guidelines 1,553 times during the four-month period beginning October 7, 2023, repeatedly downplaying Hamas terrorism and presenting Israel as an aggressor, according to an analysis released over the weekend and reported by the Telegraph.
Another report found that the BBC’s Arabic service “was among the most biased global media outlets in covering the Israel-Hamas conflict”.
But that’s invariably the way of it, when it comes to Islam’s glass jaw: the most egregious Muslim atrocities are glossed over and hand-waved away, but if anyone dares say even one thing against them, they squeal like pigs.
Reacting to the Met’s threat of using the Public Order Act if the march goes ahead, the PSC said: “We utterly condemn this attempt to use repressive powers to prevent our planned protest at the BBC.”
As for the UK police, they’re only too happy to jail anyone who criticises Islam, but foaming, swivel-eyed Muslim anti-Semites get gently wafted with a damp lettuce leaf.
The Met wrote to the group to halt the march, and has said it is “hopeful” that they will act accordingly “in light of our position”.
Could they be any more spineless?

The Met said that “serious disruption” could be caused by hosting a protest in such close proximity to a synagogue, especially on Saturday – the Jewish holy day […]
“We are hopeful that the PSC will now alter their plans in light of our position, but should they wish to continue to use Portland Place as a form up point we will consider the use of Public Order Act conditions as appropriate.”
Yes. Yes, they could be more spineless.