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For the past three years, the left have been gibbering about “Nazis”, “fascists”, and a “Return to the 1930s”. It’s all been a load of tosh, of course. Except, now, it’s on the verge of coming to pass.

A weakened democracy run by a divided, ineffectual party is being torn apart by a divisive foreign policy issue. A fanatical, anti-Semitic, socialist is waiting in the wings. Despite the fact that this swivel-eyed zealot is deeply unpopular with everyone except his own fanatical core of followers, the foolish, self-indulgent shenanigans of the political class may yet end up accidentally placing the reins of power in his fevered hands.

Except, this isn’t Weimar Germany, torn apart by resentment over Versailles, this is modern Britain, being torn apart by Brexit. Jeremy Corbyn, as nasty a piece of work as ever a democracy has ever produced, waits for the keys to Number Ten to fall in his lap.

Former Australian Labor politician Michael Danby has seen first-hand the festering creep of anti-Semitism in the left. He also knows what it’s like to be in a party running for election with a deeply unpopular leader. Australia got lucky, though, and roundly rejected Bill Shorten. Britain may not.

Over five years his party has tolerated, indeed licensed, anti-Jewish bigotry, even Holocaust denial. Corbyn is sinister, not a daffy crank. He and the Labour zeitgeist he has empowered have driven out lifelong Jewish members, marginalised the Jewish community and engendered such a climate of hate that there’s an official investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission into Corbyn’s party.
On the public record are 150 cases of Corbyn candidates or members expressing the foulest anti-Semitic bile, but nothing has been done. No wonder only 7 per cent of Jews will vote Labour; 40 per cent of the 300,000-strong community told pollsters they will emigrate if Corbyn wins.
In public life I have always been the first and hardest for persecuted minorities that don’t advocate violence — Uighers, Bahai, Tibetans, Muslim Darfuris and the 300,000 in North Korean concentration camps. This sense of fairness, this sympathy with the vulnerability of minorities, I believe, lies behind much of the decent centre of the British public’s grave doubts about Corbyn and his entourage. Hopefully it makes him unelectable.


The nightmare scenario is that the Conservatives will screw the election so badly that they fail to secure a majority.

If the Conservatives don’t win, then Jeremy Corbyn does. It’s as simple as that. Boris Johnson becomes prime minister or Jeremy Corbyn becomes prime minister.
It’s quite a stretch for Labour to win a majority from where things are. You can never be sure but I don’t think that will happen. However, Labour doesn’t need a majority to take power. It just needs the Conservatives not to have one.

If the horse-trading for minority begins, the fervent denials from the Lib-Dems that they would ever partner with Corbyn will vanish like a Jewish business on Kristallnacht. The odious nationalist-socialist Nicola Sturgeon will deliver Scotland into Corbyn’s hands.

If this government doesn’t win a majority, the overwhelming chance is that it will fall. Which pretty much means Jeremy Corbyn.

And the left’s hysterical predictions of a “return to the 1930s” will finally come true – because the left made it happen


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