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The ‘Negative Effectiveness’ of the C-19 Injection.

The vaccinated keep getting sick.

Photo by Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo / Unsplash

Trust has gone.

The data were engineered. The rhetoric was manipulated and the messaging was powerful. Kindness was weaponised. The politicians and health bureaucrats kept up the pretence and numbers were crunched, month after month, year after year. Get jabbed; safe and effective.  

Australian doctors recently had a letter by Raphael Lataster, a doctor of philosophy, published in the Journal of General Practice . His main academic research interests include misinformation, disinformation and fake news in health and politics. Lataster points out the “negative effectivenesss” of the Covid-19 injections in a peer-reviewed study. The jab does not work, he reports, in fact, “it increases one’s chance of a Covid infection, hospitalisation and even death”. Hear his interview here with Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio.

More discussions of ‘negative effectiveness’: Covid-19 vaccine negative effectiveness further discussed in major medical journals (Substack)

This comes as no surprise to the freedom community. Our innate sense of discernment led us to question everything about this hard push to get this ‘vaccine’ developed at the ‘speed of science’. Back in the day, at the height of the Covid nonsense we knew unofficially it didn’t work. It didn’t take a scientist to prove it: it was easy to find out.

Israel and Gibraltar, for example, had highly vaccinated populations and, instead of the virus slowing down or being eliminated as promised, the citizens had persistent relapses of Covid-19. People were reporting on social media their dismay at being treated as rat labs. Inevitably, we furiously refused our government’s offer of a jab and scoffed at their silly coercion.

Subsequently, in 2024, the difference in the health status of the vaxxed and the non-vaxxed is apparent. The heartbreaking evidence of the vaccine injured and even vaccine deaths are known among our family, friends and in the community. Some of the jabbed have had Covid many times.

At the time of Ardern and Bloomfield’s pinnacle of power, there were no official or recognised efficacy studies. Now the Australian doctors, and no doubt the NZ doctors and general practitioners, have been made aware of this researched information. The vaccinated people keep getting sick, over and over. As Brennan says, there’s no getting away from it.

The freedom community had unofficially also heard, via a hidden camera, a Pfizer employee revealing Pfizer had not done any testing of efficacy. Paul V Sheridan (USA) highlights some damning information in a ‘proof of delivery’ contract of Covid-19 injections. He states this was kept secret until a recent loss of lawsuit in South Africa. See here:

The contract confirms there were NO tests completed prior to delivery of this medical product. Sheridan highlights the terrifying paragraph that was covered up by the purchaser, the South African Government, who paid for an untested product then willingly put the whole population at risk of medical harm. 

 The Manufacturing and Supply Agreement between Pfizer Laboratories Proprietary Limited


The Government of the Republic of South Africa acting through the National Department of Health of South Africa (“NDOH”)

Dated as of 30 March 2021.

See the excerpt here:

[…] 5.5 Purchaser Acknowledgement. Purchaser acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to Purchaser under this Agreement. Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known. Further, to the extent applicable, Purchaser acknowledges that the Product shall not be serialized. […] (emphasis added). 

Kiwis have not been allowed to read the NZ-Pfizer contract. Millions of injections were obtained by our purchaser, the previous Labour Minister of Finance Grant Robinson. Did he agree to a similar contract with Pfizer Laboratories Proprietary Limited as the South African Government and knowingly waiver any care that he was unleashing an untested product onto an unsuspecting public? We don’t know.

It’s a secret.

Please sign Kirsten Murfitt’s petition to release New Zealand’s Pfizer/BioNTech contract.
