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The Number 8 Fencing Wire Fix for COVID-19

The BFD.

Our government has shown itself to be inept on many levels since coming to power and the lineup of ‘fails’ is just that: A lineup of fails.

Why would we expect anything different with the Covid-19 response?

Leadership takes experience and courage and above all else, an ability to separate the wheat from the chaff quickly and take decisive, positive action.

We all knew from day one that this particular grouping doesn’t have what it takes and it was confirmed very quickly with the development of a new and expensive leadership technique called ‘the working group’.

If we’re surprised at the lack of action and the ‘woolly’ thinking in their Covid-19 response, more fools us. It was predictable and inevitable.

There’s plenty of information available from all over the world along with clear examples from countries that have managed this extremely well, so there’s no real excuse for getting it wrong, and it comes down to simple inexperience and ignorance.

There comes a point though when banging on about government ineptitude becomes a bit repetitive and boring and doesn’t move anything forward. It’s therapeutic for the one doing the onward banging, as it were, and perhaps for the listener or reader who agrees, but in reality, it’s just more words: an emotive offload if you like.

The fact is that each and every one of us can do something positive with what we have. Kiwis are the most resilient people on this planet. At least we used to be. The old “number 8 fencing wire” fix for everything grew out of our ingenuity for fixing things. Do we still have it or have we bred it out of the current generations?

The medical experts have been very clear that in simple terms, solving the spread of Covid-19 rests with a very straightforward and easily managed process of ensuring no close contact with others, regular hand washing and keeping out of risky situations.

In our society, we’ve always been good at teaming up with neighbours and friends to assist one another. We can do that without having to get too close and while still following those basic rules.

We will not run out of food and if we all respect “the rules” most of us will not contract Covid-19.

Yes, we know it’s here and we know it’s highly contagious and we know it spreads by close proximity to others who have it. The danger is that those who may have it aren’t obvious so we need to keep a safe distance from everybody for the next few weeks.

Is that too onerous for us as a population?

Perhaps it can be our ‘number 8 fencing wire fix for Covid-19’.

Every journey begins with the first step. Commit – Do your bit. It will help.

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