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The NZ Climate Change Curriculum is Cult Indoctrination & Child Abuse: Part Three

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The COL moves schools from Holy Bible to Wholly Propaganda.

Barbara McKenzie

Activism (Sections B and C)

The purpose of the curriculum is not to educate: it is to terrify the children, then prime them for activism.  The argument for an urgent need for activism is as follows:

  • Greenhouse gases, generated by human activities, such as CO2 and methane are warming the planet – to question this is impossible
  • The natural emotional reaction is grief, fear, despair, anger and of course guilt – failure to react thus is impossible
  • The responsible response is to take action – failure to act is impossible

Section B introduces the concepts of personal responsibility and activism:

Session 6: ‘Living with Climate Change: What can I do?’

This session starts by recapping the essentials of the situation as has been taught to the children, with a graph showing sensational, totally unrealistic scenarios by 2080-2100 if little or no action is taken to reduce emissions.

  • ‘Average temperature rise – 3.7 degrees celsius’. (Jock Allison, in part four, Point 6, shows that neither the satellite data nor NOAA’s Climate Reference Network indicates continued upward movement in temperature.)
  • ‘Global sea-level rise – 0.63 metres’.  (Numerous data sets and studies, including an analysis of measurements from the world’s 225 best long-term coastal tide gauges indicate an average global sea-level rise of 1-2mm per annum and not accelerating, which suggests an increase of 60-120mm by 2080, so nowhere near 630mm).
  • ‘Extreme weather – large increase’. (There is no justification for this claim whatsoever – there is convincing evidence that climate change is not leading to higher rates of weather-related damages worldwide, once you correct for increasing population and wealth. Even the 2018 IPCC report made this clear)

None of these predictions are any more likely to come to fruition than any of the past sensationalist predictions on the subject – (see Jock Allison on failed predictions, in part four, Point 22.)

Having been reminded of looming Armageddon, the children are now set for the next stage.  They can live their religion, by making changes to their own lives, on the basis of the science as they have been taught it.  They can do their bit to reduce emissions by using less electricity, shopping locally, driving less, planting trees, etc.

A most concerning element is the strong pressure on children to limit their meat and dairy intake, with no discussion of health implications, nor any relevant resources. Starting with meatless Mondays is suggested – it is very clear that it will be virtually impossible for a child to opt-out if a school makes this policy. The programme is intended for children as young as 10 – ‘A dietary warning for people with developing bodies would be a prudent addition as well if teachers want to avoid lawsuits’ (Robin Grieve).

Greta Thunberg is introduced at this stage as an inspiration, presaging what is to come.

Go out into the world and spread the word (Session 7)

Essential tools: children are first reminded of the fallacious mantras that ‘most scientists’ agree (argumentum ad verecundiam or appeal to authority) and that most of the population agrees (argumentum ad populum).

‘Empathy or Outrage + Action = ACTIVISM’

The discussion on activism covers climate activists that the children may have heard of, such as Greta Thunberg, Schools Strike4Climate, and David Attenborough, who has himself been blamed for the epidemic of eco-anxiety among young people.

How to deal with sceptics

While the climate cult insists that there is no significant opposition to its teachings, care has been taken to include in the curriculum a sizable section on dealing with heretics who question the IPCC gospels.

Children are given instruction to prepare them for dealing with hypothetical situations with those who are yet to be convinced, or ‘flat out deny the existence of climate change’ (nobody denies climate change, but no matter). Children are expected to rote-learn a set of dictums to be used to confront such situations and make conversions or silence unbelievers – role plays are set up to help them memorise the answers.

The suggested situations are often straw men, and the answers are either seriously disputed or out and out lies (one can only guess at the conflict that will arise between a child armed with these mantras and an educated parent). [ **Editor’s note: A detailed analysis of the ‘myths’ and their supposed refutations by Jock Allison will be in Part Four of this series]

Section C, ‘Time For Climate Action’ consciously sets out to turn children into activists for the climate cult.

the BFD.

Children are obliged to commit as groups to ‘actions’. Suggested actions range from turning off lights to planning a campaign or a website. Children are encouraged to target their campaigns at everyone from parents to cabinet ministers.

Ironically, there is also a section on children’s basic rights, including those relating to wellbeing and education. Of course, as is the fashion, there is a suggestion of greater entitlement, also that adults are not taking action because they are selfish and uncaring of children and future generations (not because they have more sense).

The resource does not actually suggest civil disobedience, but it does feature prominently Greta Thunberg, who is closely aligned with the militant Extinction Rebellion.

The BFD.

Greta Thunberg’s parents are supporters of the fascist organisation Antifa,  which has a policy of violence and intimidation of political opponents.

In the name of  ‘climate’, young children are being encouraged to romanticise civil disobedience and even violence, which can lead to arrest, conviction and therefore a criminal record.


The manifest purpose of the Climate Change Curriculum is to create an army of youthful activists to lobby for the climate policies of the government and the United Nations.

Rather than teaching children scientific method, the programme consciously conditions them to accept a learning environment where they are effectively brainwashed, and where all dissent is discouraged.

The programme consciously sets out to undermine the psychological well being of young people, endangers their physical health by suggesting a serious dietary change and, via the role models presented to them, encourages them to neglect their education and to take actions that may lead to a criminal conviction.

The Climate Change programme is not simply a manipulation of the young in order to serve a political end – it is intentional, shameless child abuse.

  • The NZ Climate Change Curriculum is Cult Indoctrination & Child Abuse: Part One.
  • The NZ Climate Change Curriculum is Cult Indoctrination & Child Abuse: Part Two.

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