How does it make you feel?
One of the strangest aspects of a supposedly scientific subject, where one would expect the application of some objectivity, is the emphasis on and encouragement of emotional response. This is introduced as early as lesson two with ‘The Feelings Splash: How does this make us feel’. The remaining lessons of Section A include segments entitled ‘Feelings Thermometer. Can we measure our feelings?’; ‘Understanding our feelings about Climate Change’; ‘Introducing “Psychological adaptation”: Wellbeing action – what can I do?” – all leading up to Lesson 7: ‘Empathy/Outrage + Action = ACTIVISM’. (One doesn’t like to think of how a child who said, ‘I’m fine with it’ would be viewed.)
An emotional response is such an essential part of the programme that there is a separate 15-page teacher resource dedicated to the subject. Having callously pressured and enticed children into experiencing overwhelming emotions by telling them what is in effect a pack of lies, the education authority kindly offers advice to teachers and in turn parents on how to deal with traumatised children:
‘It is normal for children and adults to feel worried, frustrated, angry and sad when learning about the issues around climate change. Parents and whanau can help when they acknowledge and accept the range of emotional impacts that awareness of climate change brings.
‘Parents and whanau can watch out for:• Worsening anxiety or behaviours over time• Withdrawal or avoidance• Excessive reassurance seeking or limit testing• Changes in sleep, appetite and weight• Somatic symptoms such as tummy aches and headaches• Anxiety or behaviours that are interfering with functioning or causing distress• Any other change in your child that causes distress or interferes with their functioning’
There follows a long list of professional agencies that can advise parents or treat traumatised children. And finally, parents are warned:
It goes without saying that, if the campaign has its intended result and children are driven to suicide by this programme, blame will be attributed to climate change, not to the wickedness of those who devised this programme.
The NZ Climate Change Curriculum is Cult Indoctrination & Child Abuse: Part One.
To be continued…
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