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Sir Bob Jones

It’s no secret the Anglican church is on its deathbed everywhere, both memberships and church attendance in free fall and churches being closed and sold. So too with the Church of Scotland now on the verge of collapse. Half a century back with a population then a third of today’s the church had 1.4 million members. Today it’s down to 270,000, mostly elderly, of whom a mere 60,000 still attend services.

The vast majority of its ministers are ageing and according to the Church’s General Assembly latest annual report are “facing a monumental crisis” with morale and mental health issues and widespread disillusionment.

This is the same story worldwide with developed educated nations. Even the USA is seeing an erosion in religious belief, now for the first time below 50%. Irish Catholicism is dead in the water thanks to education, prosperity and the seemingly endless accounts of sexual abuse by its clergy.

Marx was right in describing religion as the opium of the masses. Religion continues to thrive in poor nations with low education standards and in some oil-rich Islamic countries through compulsion.

Along with warfare it remains the great weakness of humanity. If the former doesn’t destroy us all first, another century should see its demise.

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