New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) was held in Geneva from Monday 27th May to Saturday June, 1st 2024. The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of the WHO. It is attended by delegations from the 194 WHO member states, which includes New Zealand.
Coinciding with the 77th WHA, citizens from around the world united in Geneva on Saturday 1st June, to say No to the WHO takeover and its global power grab. The rally was a declaration of independence and to make clear that the people of the world will not surrender health freedom to the unelected and unaccountable globalist organisation.
NZDSOS speaks out against global tyranny in Geneva as the WHO takeover intensifies.
The meeting has now come and gone, so let’s take a look at the background to the two legislative processes, the Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005), what happened, what is next and what you can do.
The WHO has been working and negotiating the last two years to develop the first ever international Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord, AKA the Pandemic Treaty, and to strengthen the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) to safeguard global health from the “inevitable” threat of future plandemics.
Under the guise to “protect the health and safety of all people everywhere”, the legislation would transfer nations independent decision making powers over health policy to the WHO, which has weaponised the microbial world towards the agenda to control peoples’ lives, health and future.
The delegations to the 77th WHA met to consider the outcome of the two legislation processes: the Pandemic Treaty and the amendments to the IHR (2005), to vote on the proposed amendments to the IHR (2005) and the next steps for these processes.
It is important to note that the WHO, its funders and its beneficiaries are heavily invested in these agreements, to such an extent, that they would do anything to have them agreed to.
The Pandemic Treaty
The WHO is seeking to increase its global power by pursuing a legally-binding new international Pandemic Treaty with member states. This means that any future public health emergencies of international concern could be declared without appropriate scrutiny or oversight and give sweeping powers to the WHO Director-General.
The WHA did not reach an agreement on the Pandemic Treaty, but this does not mean it is dead in the water: far from it.
Further negotiations are scheduled to finalise the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty by the end of the year with a special session of the WHA. If that fails, they will come back in May 2025 for the 78th annual World Health Assembly to get it back on the table and signed off by member states.
Outcome: The Pandemic Ttreaty has been delayed as they were not able to reach consensus.
Director-General Tedros on the Pandemic Treaty:
“The decision to conclude the Pandemic Agreement within the next year demonstrates how strongly and urgently countries want it, because the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if. Today’s strengthening of the IHR provides powerful momentum to complete the Pandemic Agreement, which, once finalized, can help to prevent a repeat of the devastation to health, societies and economies caused by Covid-19.”
Note the sinister undertones of the line “the next pandemic is a matter of when, not if”. Now there’s a confession. Additionally, with the broad unsubstantiated claim of “how strongly and urgently countries want it”, these statements speak to the desperation of Tedros to get this treaty done.
The International Health Amendments (IHR)
Last amended in 2005, after the SARS outbreak of 2003, a full revision was undertaken by all member nations, in which the scope of the IHRs were broadened to include any illness or condition which could pose a significant risk to human health. This was the first real expansion of the powers of the World Health Organization, in which the Director-General was delegated the right to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC).
The proposed amendments to the IHR (2005), which were up for negotiation and agreement by the WHA, give the WHO unprecedented power over all member nations, eroding national sovereignty and violating freedoms, as we and many others have been warning.
The World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted a number of the amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) in what was only hours after the IHR working group had reached an agreement and sent the final message through.
Read the amended and adopted IHR document as at June 1st, 2024
Outcome: This is not the win that Tedros and his minions at the WHO are trying to say it is. While it is not a win for freedom either, it does speak to the power of the people. Whilst the WHO got consensus on a number of the amendments, including a stronger approach by member countries to counter so-called mis- and dis-information, many other amendments that they wanted were abandoned. Opinions vary on the implications, but we feel they are well summarised by Dr Meryl Nass on her substack here, extracting comments by Dr David Bell, and here on her X account.
So What Happened?
Late on Saturday night (June 1st, 2024), the last day of the assembly and with only hours to go, the WHO pushed the voting through and adopted the controversial IHR amendments in what appeared an unprofessional and unusual proceeding.
Firstly, the WHO Director-General Tedros, ignored the IHRs’ Article 55.2, which requires that any amendments must be made available “at least four months” before they are eligible for adoption. They did not give four months, not even four weeks, four days or even four hours’ notice. It was basically dropped on the table in the meeting with hours to go before the close of the meeting, after a long week, when delegates were tired and most likely wanted to get home.
Then, the Director-General declined to conduct a roll-call vote on the legally-binding international agreement. Instead, in a room described as having fewer than the necessary quorum, the chair declared the revised IHR proposal approved with a “no objections” method.
Basically, what he did was say that if no one objects then it is adopted. According to the World Council of Health statement, the delegates sat in stony silence as it was passed without objection.
In an official voting practice, the chair should have called out every nation and every nation should have responded that “yes we are here” and there should have been a tally of all the nations present. Also, they should have taken a hand vote at the very least to say who was for and who was against.
None of this took place.
Immediately after the ‘vote’ was taken Costa Rica and Slovakia spoke up and said they “dissociate from the amendments”. Russia stressed the rights of the States Parties to reject or reserve amendments, and some other countries including Iran, Switzerland and Argentina said they will examine the amendments through an internal process at their national level.
Watch: How the IHR amendments were adopted.
Tedros Declares Victory June 1st, 2024
In a media briefing on the Pandemic Treaty and the International Health Regulations at the 77th World Health Assembly, WHO Dictator-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said:
Dictator-General Tedros on the IHR:
“Today the nations of the world made history at the World Health Assembly. After two years of negotiations, they adopted a strong package of amendments to the International Health Regulations based on the lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic. The IHR was last updated 19 years ago. The amendments adopted today strengthen global preparedness, surveillance and response to public health emergencies including pandemics.
“And although the Pandemic Agreement has not yet been finalised the Health Assembly has charted the way forward. It has agreed to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental negotiating body to finalise negotiations on the Pandemic Agreement as soon as possible and by next year’s World Health Assembly at the latest.
“The success of the IHR amendments demonstrates that in our divided and divisive world countries can still come together to find common cause and common ground.”
James Roguski comments June 1st, 2024
One of the world’s foremost experts and researchers on the WHO, James has been instrumental in raising global awareness about the IHR amendments and to expose the WHO’s hidden agenda behind the “pandemic treaty”. For more information see James Roguski’s substack.
James Roguski on the IHR:
“The WHO got what they wanted. We lost this round. The silver lining is that their cards are on the table, and now we can analyse their plans clearly.”
What Next?
We have seen that the unelected WHO is a law unto itself and seems determined to march ahead with their plans to enslave the world under the guise of ‘health’. This centralised control of global health is merely the beginning of what they intend to do and their dark plan is a direct and dangerous threat to our democracy and freedom. This has been very clear at least since they were criticised heavily after 2008’s Swine Flu outbreak, their previous panic-demic. And that rushed vaccine only killed dozens before withdrawal.
However, this is not over and we know these tyrannical forces will keep trying to force their will on humanity.
We have a long road ahead of us. Public pushback is essential.
Every member nation has at least 10 months to decide whether to accept the recently adopted amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR 2024). Under Article 61 of the IHR, every member nation has the authority to reject these amendments: this must be within the timeframe and in writing to the WHO.
New Zealand has 18 months to consider whether to accept, reject or reserve against the amendments and a further six months before they come into force. These decisions will be subject to the full treaty-making process, which includes Cabinet approval, a National Interest Analysis and Parliamentary Treaty Examination. This will include consideration of the amendment to Article 59 in 2022, which supposedly New Zealand rejected in November 2023 to give the new government time to consider the amendment.
What You Can Do to Take Action and Push Back as the WHO Takeover Intensifies
- Lobby the NZ government to withdraw funding and membership from the WHO.
- Meantime, demand the government reject immediately this newly adopted IHR document June 1st, 2024 under Article 61.
- Demand the government reject the Pandemic Treaty.
- Complain to the NZ government that there was no clear voting process at the 77th WHA assembly, ask them do they think it was a lawful voting process, and not fraudulent?
- Get informed and share accurate information. Get the latest version of the IHR (2024) amendments.
- Spread the word and send your allies, friends and family information, emails, letters, make videos and start actions together.
- Sign and share the Free Humanity open letter calling on government representatives to scrap the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty.
- Join NZ Rising and other freedom groups.
- Share NZDSOS posts. Print hard copies and deliver to all government MPs’ electorate offices and government organisations.
- Let authorities, MPs, councillors and bureaucrats know that they will be held personally responsible for harms to those that they serve.
- Road to Geneva and global citizens uniting in Geneva was just the beginning. It is time to set our sights on the next major international coalition event at the United Nations (UN) Summit of the Future, September 22–23, 2024.
Never underestimate what you can do – people power is huge!
Further Commentary on the Outcome of the 77th WHA:
- James Roguski Substack on WHO IHR Amendments
- David Bell on WHA and Pandemics – Another Step Further into The Pit
- Meryl Nass Substack on IHR Amendments
- Meryl Nass with David Bell’s Assessment of the WHO’s Adopted IHR Amendments
- International Lawyers’ Press Conference Regarding the Outcome of the 77th WHA (panel starts at the 26.00 minute mark)