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Photo by Wesley Tingey. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

An Auckland local body councillor was arrested, along with other protesters, and taken into custody last week.

They were charged with trespass for their protest against the felling of 200 large pine trees.

Frankly, I agree with the protesters, the incident having at its root, the typically small New Zealand mentality that native trees which are to be planted in their place are somehow superior to exotics. It’s infantile. New Zealand bush is plentiful and hardly under threat. More to the point, as with the Amazon, African and Australian bush, all evergreen, it’s boring by comparison with the wonderful colour and variety of Northern hemisphere trees, be they in Europe, North America or Central Asia.

But here’s my salient point. Notwithstanding my and the protesters views on this, the Police were right to arrest the protesters.

So here’s the question. Will the police behave in a similar manner when Wellington developer Ian Cassels starts work on his authorised Shelly Bay residential development and asks them to remove the maori protesters, and if not why not?

I think we can guess the answer to that.

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