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The Principle of Informed Consent

risk reward

John Rofe

Now that we know about the timing of vaccination for various at-risk cohorts it is time for the Government to provide statistics about the adverse reactions to what the public is to be given. There are obviously plenty of stats available.

There are numerous articles regarding overseas experience of hazards from the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines programme but if these are weighed up against the risks from not having a vaccination, most people would do what we plan to do, and get vaccinated.  But Jacinda’s world is one of political expediency supported where necessary with hype and make-believe. She has used ad agencies to spin her propaganda during the “pandemic” resulting in a significant groundswell of distrust.

The general public is being told that all anti-vax information is rubbish. Below is just one article that has a ring of authenticity about it and there are plenty more that are similar:

I am aware that the PM is pushing climate fraud and the media are outrageously supporting her censorship of the truth. We only have the Ardern/Socialist dogma which gains automatic acceptance in our media with no rebuttal of the lies, so all is now suspect.  Remember when the Soviet Union got to the point where experts on its collapse said “The people got to the point where the only time they know a rumour was true was when it was officially denied”?  That is the path that PM Ardern (too good to be true) and the media are taking us.

The censorship of absolutely everything that could be negative about a Covid vaccine leads the public into even greater distrust of a government that is continually telling us how to think.

Each lie is always matched with an exhortation to “be kind” (implicitly saying those who don’t agree with her world view aren’t, and blaming us for our feelings of distrust and doubt).

We, the moderate, law-abiding people who pay our full measure of taxes, really do need the opposition parties to lift their game in so many areas. Informed consent means talking to the dispossessed majority, telling us what the facts are and then providing us with a rational basis upon which we can make our own confident decisions.

This may seem like a rant but if National got “kind” (which means “uncritical”) people to tell them what their party did wrong at the last election, they can expect that review to be a worthless waste of money.  Simply put, the National Party failed to capture their support base by seeking appeasement with the enemy and suffering factional infighting, rather than actually representing its constituency.

Every one of us has biases and prejudices, and the prime minister’s saying that these don’t exist shows her intent to force them underground – as with climate fraud, the Iwi Leaders Group power grab and so many other areas where National have (presumably for short term political expediency) neglected their own electoral base.

New Zealand needs a universal uptake of vaccinations so we can get back to business as normal.  That requires a far greater measure of confidence among the populace than exists today in New Zealand.

Yet confidence would be easily gained by a frank discussion of the chosen vaccination’s risks versus benefits (with disclosure of the full statistics at the government’s disposal).  It is at that point that the public will accept the recommendations the government makes.

Leadership is needed on this!

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