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The Propaganda Wing of the Labour Govt

The 4th Estate Protecting Democracy. Photoshopped image credit Pixy.The BFD.

Pish Posh

The Government has been winning hands down on the propaganda front. Until we, the general public currently sleepwalking towards a nanny fascist state stop treating the MSM as if it is news they will continue to win.

The Government have bought and paid for the mainstream media and trained it to do its bidding.

The 4th Estate Protecting Democracy. Photoshopped image credit Pixy.The BFD.
We need to stop reading the MSM as if it is news.

Read it as the Government advertising that it is. Recognise it as an organisation that names and shames unvaccinated New Zealanders.

The MSM funded by the New Zealand Government is no longer keeping up the pretence of journalism. They have moved into law enforcement and are targeting citizens who do not conform.

Two examples of reporters from Stuff’s law enforcement division are Daniel Smith and Carly Gooch. Rather than provide actual news the pair of them have attempted to shut down free markets and shame vaccine free workers into getting jabbed and turning up to work.

It may be hard for Daniel and Carly to hear this but we need to hold the MSM to account each time they act like state-funded propagandists. We are tired of you and your lack of journalistic integrity.

COVID-19: Fleur’s Place to Close Indefinitely after Half of Staff Refuse Vaccine

Daniel Smith

Instead of impartial or unbiased coverage that journalists are expected and usually encouraged to provide Daniel Smith opens his article with this biased statement:

“Celebrated Moeraki restaurant, Fleur’s Place, has been forced to close indefinitely after 50 per cent of staff refused to get vaccinated, its owner says.”

“More than half of the 14 staff at Fleur’s Place had refused to get vaccinated, she said.
A sign written on the wall outside Fleur’s Place reads, “Sorry we cannot open until anti-vaxers change their minds – get the jab and come to work.”

Daniel Smith seems to have forgotten that there are two sides to every story and that his journalistic integrity rests on providing a balanced account.

Where are any of the seven vaccine free staff opinions in this piece? What about the basics – why has Fleur not explored the takeaway option? If half of her staff have decided to move on to other employment or unemployment instead of complying with a forced mandate maybe the readers will want to know why? Do they have family members or friends with vaccine injuries that have put them off being vaccinated to the point they would give up their job? What are the reasons for their refusal?

Where is the quirky community member providing insight such as Barry for example who is from the small Moeraki community and possibly thinks that Fleur is a bit of a tosser for not accommodating her staff and community by providing the takeaway option? Barry might go on to say Fleur is just sulking to drum up some advertising before she sources vaccinated workers and opens with a Pride march to celebrate in a few weeks. Or you could have found Karen who is really peeved that people are still allowed to make medical choices for themselves and how upset she is that she will be missing out on her daily Latte.

COVID-19: Market Stall Holders Start New Event ‘Ignoring’ Safety Rules

Carly Gooch

The second propaganda campaign was run by Stuff reporter Carly Gooch. Under the guise of reporting on the Motueka Market losing more than half of its 100 stalls to the Richmond Free Market. Carly didn’t explain what more than half actually was. It could have been 51 or 95. I suspect her ambiguous description of the numbers is similar to the Parliament protest where Stuff reported that there were over 1000 protesters which was technically accurate but misleading as some estimates were up to 15,000.

So, the Motueka market has lost the majority of its stallholders who have decided that compulsory mask-wearing and QR codes are no fun and have relocated to the Free Market at Richmond to set up under more relaxed Covid-19 regulations.

Judy Roper the Motueka Market organiser, said asking Motueka market stallholders for vaccination passes was the catalyst for the mass exodus along with asking them to wear masks for the community’s protection. Operators holding a mask exemption could only work “behind the scenes, definitely not face the public”.

Judy went on to say “If Nelson and Motueka are following the rules, shouldn’t Richmond be following the same sort of rules? It seems different rules are being applied for each of the three markets, [and] Richmond is benefiting because they’re being very liberal, or careless.” Market-goers were free to choose whether they wore a mask, she said.

Stuff reporter Carly failed to ask Judy why she was enforcing such a strict interpretation of the rules. She also failed to find out whether or not Richmond Free Market were in fact breaking any rules.

Down the road, at the rather jaunty sounding; Nelson Free Marketeers Market at Richmond’s Nelson A & P Showgrounds  Penny Cameron revealed that no rules had been broken and that no rules had been breached.

Penny said that “ [it’s a] massive space, [making it] very, very easy for us to comply” on an 18,000 square metre site. If people were not wearing masks, it signalled that they had an exemption.

Market-goers were free to choose whether they wore a mask, Penny said.

Complaints have been laid against the market for being non-compliant, but Worksafe has visited the site and been in touch with no further restrictions implemented.

Instead of acknowledging that the Richmond Free market is a rollicking success and New Zealand stallholders had voted with their presence and the New Zealand public had voted with their wallets Carly Gooch instead went on a woke virtue signalling list with her follow up lines of questioning.

Firstly she has a go at the police who responded with “A police spokesperson said the police did not enforce Covid-19 rules”. No doubt police speak for  “Get lost Karen – we have actual policing to do.”

Carly Gooch then went beyond the call of duty to earn her Jacinda paid salary by tracking down Tasman District Council communications manager Chris Choat who confirmed that councils had no ability to enforce the rules. The landowners were responsible for how leaseholders used the land, he said.

“It’s not our facility, we have no powers.”

Then someone laid a complaint with Worksafe, which found nothing in breach of anything.

So did Carly Gooch in the interest of unbiased journalism find any vaccine free Stallholders operating in Richmond to provide their side of the story? Or did she track down any market going folk to provide insight into why they prefer the relaxed atmosphere of Richmond Free Market to the masked affair at Motueka?

There are New Zealanders that exist out there that do not work for Government organisations. They are the free folk. Maybe some of Carly’s future articles could include them.

Gooch on this occasion didn’t fraternise with the free folk on this but followed up with all the Stuff approved Government agencies. She contacted The Ministry of Health and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet who referred Stuff to MBIE and Worksafe for responses. She contacted MBIE and Worksafe for confirmation about market regulations (but they did not respond).

Stuff reporters need to start acting like reporters and news writers. Until they do, New Zealanders should acknowledge them for what they are; state-funded propagandists.
