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The Pursuit of Justice

DNA contamination in C-19 vaccines found.

Photo by National Cancer Institute / Unsplash


In recent months, significant concerns have emerged about potential DNA contamination in C-19 vaccine vials, prompting debates within scientific and legal communities. These revelations underscore the critical need to stop the Covid injections immediately pending the outcome of a full investigation.

Katie Ashby-Koppens at NZDSOS Conference - 28 September
Lawyer Katie Ashby-Koppens at NZDSOS Conference discusses the vaccine vials she helped examine that contained DNA – 28 September.
“I’ve written to the New Zealand regulators providing the report of DNA contamination. No reply yet.” – Katie Ashby-Koppens

“We have since had three Pfizer and Moderna vials from Australia tested by Doctor Speicher in Canada,” explained legal expert Katie Ashby-Koppens at NZDSOS Conference 2024 in September. “And those test results show excessive synthetic plasmid DNA contamination detected is seven to 145 times greater than the regulatory limits.” The gravity of this situation is heightened by findings that the Pfizer vials contained the SV40 Promoter Enhancer sequence. “This sequence is known to facilitate nuclear integration, posing significant genomic risk to the human. In other words, there’s a potential it can get into your DNA.”

Read and download Dr Speicher’s report

240909 – D Speicher Report Download

The evidence is damning. “This is damning evidence that there is a real problem with the vials,” Ashby-Koppens asserts. The Australian test results align with reports from other independent labs in Germany, Canada, and the United States, confirming widespread contamination across multiple vaccine batches.

Despite these alarming discoveries, the response from regulators has been notably absent. “So what have the regulators done with the evidence of Dr David Speicher’s report that there’s contamination in Australian and New Zealand vials? Well, I’ve written to the Australian regulator providing the report. No reply yet,” she notes. The silence extends to New Zealand as well: “I’ve written to the New Zealand regulators providing the report of DNA contamination. No reply yet.”

In Port Hedland, Western Australia, a pivotal special council meeting was convened by councillors Adrian McRae, Lorraine Butson, and Camilo Blanco to discuss pressing concerns about the safety of C-19 vaccines fueled by the report from Dr David Speicher. The council motioned for immediate action, advocating for informed decision-making among residents and healthcare practitioners. The meeting, marked by public statements of injury and urgency, concluded with a five to two vote in favour of the motion, underscoring a community-driven demand for truth and accountability in public health measures.

Efforts to prompt action continue, with figures such as Minister of Parliament Russell Broadbent writing to the Australian Prime Minister twice, and journalist Rebekah Barnett from Dystopian Down Under reaching out to the TGA in Australia. Yet, the response has been minimal. “The regulator’s reply to the journalist. They were concerned that the vials didn’t stay cold between Australia and Canada,” Ashby-Koppens recounts.

The reluctance to address these concerns is further evident in their reliance on guidelines that don’t even test for DNA contamination.

The third reason that they gave to Rebekah Barnett was to use some European Medicine Agency guidelines. That’s right: guidelines. Guidelines that didn’t even test for DNA contamination and were more to do with the sponsor’s application than actually determining whether or not these were contaminated.

Like the Port Hedland Town Council motion, the situation calls for immediate and decisive action.

The regulators are not working, the government is not working, and now the courts that are supposed to be independent to keep the other two in line, that aren’t working. This democracy is out of kilter, and the scales of balance that I thought existed in our democracy are totally unbalanced.

The integrity of vaccine production must be scrutinised to prevent potential health risks from reaching the public. Governments and health agencies must address these concerns with transparency and accountability.

The call to action is clear: we must stop the Covid-19 injections.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) have been documenting the significance of DNA contamination and the urgency to have this examined since May 2023. Despite our persistent advocacy to call this out, the matter continues to be overlooked or ignored by our health regulators.

Posts On DNA Contamination:

This article was originally published by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science.


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