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If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on free speech – for ever. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

How do you know when the ABC approves of a campaign, and when it doesn’t? If it’s described as “grass-roots activism” or “community campaign”, it means the ABC approves. If not, it’s “a targeted campaign”, or an “extremist takeover”.

When can you trust the ABC to report fairly and impartially (as it’s required to by law) on “LGBTQ” matters? Never. Because, as we now know, the ABC is signed on to “Acon”, a Queer theory pressure group. Like the Team of $55m, if the ABC wants to keep its precious little rainbow tick, it has to unquestioningly parrot the Groomer propaganda.

The ABC unveils its new logo. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Especially the lies about so-called “conversion therapy”.

A targeted campaign is being run in Tasmania against plans to ban conversion therapy, including a Liberal MP hosting an upcoming event in Parliament House questioning the move.

So… grassroots activism and the normal democratic process, then?

But if there’s one thing the rainbow fascists hate, it’s letting other people have their say.

Survivors of conversion therapies, and LGBTIQA+ groups, argue the campaign fundamentally misrepresents the proposed laws, which would see Tasmania join Victoria, Queensland and the ACT in banning the practices.

The only problem is that, in typical fashion, the rainbow lobby don’t properly define “conversion practices”, beyond a loose, woolly definition that could mean anything. Then, also in typical fashion, they peddle a deceitful motte-and-bailey gambit, making out that they’re banning the sort of brutal stuff that was practised in the 50s to 70s, when what they’re really doing is forbidding parents and therapists from doing anything but toeing the line of the Queer agenda.

Notably, too, they will not only do nothing to stop, but will actively encourage, the most dangerous conversion practices of all: the chemical and surgical mutilation of confused children.

Liberal backbencher Lara Alexander will host a Free Speech Alliance event in Parliament House on November 23 titled, Conversion therapy laws – risks and harms?

An invitation email for the event sent to Tasmanian parliamentarians urges them to attend “in the interest of freedom of speech, open and fair debate”.

The email, from campaigner Isla MacGregor, promotes it as a “forum on the contentious changes to Tasmanian law being proposed by the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute on the issue of so-called ‘conversion therapy’.”

“The forum will offer testimony from those who have been negatively impacted by similar laws along with experts who will show the great danger such laws pose to best practice care and freedom of speech. You will personally get to hear from people who have not had the opportunity to be heard in this very contentious and serious debate in Tasmania,” it reads.

The event comes after the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) ran full-page advertisements in the state’s major newspaper which says the laws would “criminalise parents who question their children’s wish to change gender”, but this claim has been widely questioned.

By whom? By the usual tiny clique of tranny activists and miserable old queens.

And, despite the two-faced claims otherwise, we’ve seen such laws used repeatedly to punish teachers, therapists and parents. Including the very real threat of having their children taken away if they don’t comply.

ACL Tasmanian political director Christopher Brohier said […] “The definition of conversion practice is so broad … that lots of things could come into it. It’s a course of conduct,” Mr Brohier said.

“We say the government should not legislate on this without having a proper inquiry, even a judicial inquiry.

“You shouldn’t legislate to deal with a problem that doesn’t exist. We don’t support any abusive or coercive practices.”

ABC Australia

And, as Tasmanians have found out the hard way, all the promises of rainbows and unicorns quickly evaporate and the hard face of Queer despotism is exposed, once the jackboot of the law is allowed to come down. Tasmanians were promised, hand on heart, that gay marriage was only ever about gay marriage.

The lived reality proved otherwise.

The necessary changes to Birth, Death and Marriage laws needed to accommodate gay marriage were used as a Trojan horse to implement a range of transgender laws that no-one was told about, much less given a chance to vote on. So, besides gay marriage, Tasmanians got slugged with transgender “self-identification” laws, which allow biological men to declare themselves “women” on a whim — with the obvious attendant dangers for women.

Knowing that, why would anyone in their right minds give the Gaystapo even another inch of rope to hang us all with?


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