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The Rainbow Cult Wants Your Children

four children standing on dirt during daytime
Photo by Ben Wicks. The BFD

As we continue to slide, hell-for-leather, down the rainbow slippery-slope, the far-left lurches from one straw-man to the next. First, it was “homophobia”, actually almost non-existent in a nation where more than 80% of adults say homosexuality should be accepted – one of the highest results in the world. Now it’s “transphobia”, another lie which deliberately ignores the meaning of “phobia”, and which is severely undermined by the fact that even the most dedicated activists could not find a single person killed for being transgender.

Just as the rainbow inquisitors lie about “phobias”, they also lie about their other current straw-man: “conversion therapy”.

The lie rests on the association that almost everyone almost certainly associates with the phrase: the ghastly practices of decades ago, such as electroshock and chemical castration, that were supposed to “cure” homosexuality. The reality is that those were abandoned and then outlawed long ago.

What the lying activists really mean by “conversion therapy” is the ordinary kind of psychological counselling that many people rightly seek as they struggle with issues of identity and orientation.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez. The BFD.

On the other hand, the rainbow church is all hot-to-trot for their own, horrific brand of conversion therapy.

What is the moral difference between gay conversion therapy (better known as religious counselling for people struggling with their gender and sexuality) and the institutionalised radical woke culture of deliberately confusing children about their gender and sexuality in the hope that they will join political activist movements?

It could be argued that, in the eyes of each movement, they are both seeking to protect the individual who is experiencing confusing emotions.

No doubt there are still some of the old-school, pray-the-gay-away religious types around, but even a supposed “homophobe” like Israel Folau never expressed or demonstrated any actual animosity toward homosexuals.

The religious community believes that counselling their church members in line with the tenants of their religion is part of their moral obligation, not only to their church and conscience, but also to their god.

On the other side of the debate, the LGBT movement has struggled for thousands of years against religious stigma and social persecution. Providing protection for people newly struggling with their identity could be regarded as an act of charity.

Except that, in a mirror of the truly religiously intolerant, there are a whole lot of people wrapping themselves in rainbow flags and determinedly pounding the gay into vulnerable children (mostly metaphorically, although a disturbing number of activists seem to have a proclivity for literally pounding the gay into kids).

The LGBT movement has gone beyond voluntary subscriptions and instead ingratiated itself into a movement of social subversion, actively seeking out children via their entertainment and education.

What may have started as a desire to extend an arm to those few children who found themselves questioning their gender and sexuality, has become a way to radicalise as many young people as possible into a heavily politicised activist movement deeply rooted in modern socialism[…]those who are not interested in subscribing to the whole political umbrella – or worse – those who chose to leave entirely, are ruthlessly abused[…]

These are not the actions of a genuine movement interested in mental well-being. Ironically, it is akin to that of a cult relying on unquestioned consensus to survive.

In other words, the rainbow lobby has become as violently intolerant a cult as any that has persecuted gay people in the past. And when they persecute, they really mean it. The rainbow inquisitors have literally hounded their heretics to death. Career and public reputation destruction is frankly getting off lightly for crossing the rainbow cult.

Worst of all is that these relentless persecutors are empowered by an unholy theocracy.

The idea that the government would get in the middle of this process by passing legislation against churches is as bizarre as it is dangerous. This is especially true when we consider how far the government is prepared to go in order to bend the rules for the activist movement, allowing the medical and often permanent intervention for children without their parent’s consent.

Very few Australians support real conversion therapy – the barbarities of the past like electric shock therapy – but it’s likely that few really support the modern barbarities of puberty blockers, breast removal or other “transition” surgery being inflicted on children. The sustained grassroots campaign against the likes of the creepy “Safe Schools” child grooming also indicates that Australians are largely opposed to transgender ideology.

[But] most agree that adults in full possession of their minds should be allowed to approach a church [or psychologist] for counselling regarding their mental state. Just as consenting adults are perfectly able to switch from being straight to gay, consenting adults should of course be allowed to explore whether or not they wish to cease being gay or trans and return to their earlier life. Thousands do this. Their number is increasing every day, probably because attempts to boost the activist movement has resulted in kids joining for social reasons who then want to leave as they get older.

But, like any cult, the rainbow inquisition simply won’t abide heretics or apostates, so it’s enlisted the heavy hand of the state against parents and children.

The truth is, these movements want the state to be everyone’s parent. That should scare you.

Caldron Pool

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