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Bruce Pascoe is shocked that anyone doubts his Aboriginal credentials. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If you peruse the ranks of “Indigenous” government-funded bodies, tax-hoovers and other assorted gravy trains, one thing, in particular, stands out.

They’re often very… shall we say, “pale”…

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes: they’re totally “indigenous”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Of course, saying this out loud is what got Andrew Bolt into so much trouble, but when you’re confronted with an “Aborigine” with pale, freckled skin and red hair, even the most right-on wokester is bound to start wondering what’s going on. What’s going on is that being “Indigenous” is a $34 billion a year river of gold — and there’s an awful lot of people very keen to gin up a distant “Aboriginal” forebear in order to dip their toes in it.

The 2021 census results from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which were released earlier this year, revealed 812,728 people identified as Indigenous.

This was a 25 per cent increase from just five years earlier, leading to concerns there is a sinister reason behind the rise.

So, are Aboriginal women pumping out babies faster than a polygamous Muslim family in the Centrelink queue, or is there something else going on?

Sydney-based Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council chief executive Nathan Moran said people falsely identifying as Aboriginal had been a “rampant” and “systematic” issue for around two decades.

“I’d suggest that this discussion has been happening and occurring on the basis that more people were ticking a box to identify as Aboriginal than what were being born as Aboriginal,” he told 2GB on Tuesday.

“We can track back to the mid ’90s that census data showed a big difference in the number of people identifying as Aboriginal versus those who were born as Aboriginal.”

A lot of it is simple social climbing. Far from being ashamed of a “touch of the tar” in the family tree, claiming an Aboriginal ancestor is the ultimate social cachet for a wokester. Even better than being a disabled female trans queer Muslim. It’s the trump card of Antipodean Intersectionality.

Not to mention a golden ticket to the front of the welfare queue.

Mr Moran said individuals were knowingly doing it to access benefits and concessions that were specifically for Aboriginal people.

“There were certainly attempts to overcome disparity, inequity, a lack of fairness and justice for Aboriginal people in access and services, so we commenced what was known as identified jobs, identified programs and benefits aimed to overcome that disparity,” he said.
He could have saved a whole lot of words, by simply saying “affirmative action is a con”.

Australia is suddenly breeding a veritable industry of local Elizabeth Warrens.

“We’ve now got a large proportion, if not a quarter of our population, (who) have chosen to self-identify rather than being born as Aboriginal to take up benefits of housing, scholarships, universities, employment opportunities and programs that are targeted for us to overcome our disadvantage.”

He had one word to describe people who falsely identified as Aboriginal: “frauds”.

“We have people who have openly got no Aboriginal descent who for whatever reason have chosen to identify as Aboriginal, but the system that allows them to simply fill in the statutory declaration,” Mr Moran said.

Well, when men can become women simply by filling in a statutory declaration, why shouldn’t Whitey McPaleface get to go the same route to become Uncle Jacky Possum? After all, how else are they going to be able to charge a lazy three grand for a smoking ceremony?

Mr Moran called on organisations to use the commonwealth three-part identity test rather than relying on statutory declarations.

“The NSW Land Rights Act and the Native Title Act both stipulate a three-point test for one to be Aboriginal, to be verified or proven as Aboriginal,” he said.

Or better yet, why not make them wear yellow boomerangs?

Or maybe — just maybe — drop the whole system of racial preferment for taxpayer-funded benefits, scholarships and jobs altogether?


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