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landscape photography of river between green mountains
Photo by Martin Sanchez

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

The River of Lies – The New Zealand Covid-19 Scamdemic

This in-depth documentary, written produced and directed by Billy Te Kahika, investigates the New Zealand government’s handling and management of the covid-19 pandemic. A past politician, activist and pastor whatever your understanding is of Billy, he has been outspoken in the name of freedom at great cost to himself, including the prospect of jail time.

Once admired as a happy and satisfied nation, New Zealand was famous for its freedoms and for being a land of free thinkers.  However, after the 2017 election and the new Labour-led government, this all changed and our nation entered a new era.  The prime minister, Jacinda Ardern,  announced her government would be open, and empathetic and that she wanted kindness in New Zealand.

However, something went wrong – very wrong – and New Zealand became a country at war, with usually content people fighting against a government which gave itself greatly increased enforcement powers. The Covid-19 Public Health Act became the most extreme piece of legislation to be passed in New Zealand.  The Act went against the freedoms and democratic rights that New Zealanders had grown up with, and some had died for,  and which created the relatively tranquil landscape of their lives.

In this first part of 3 documentaries by Billy Te Kahika –  he deconstructs issues including the COVID-19 modelling, lockdowns, masks and PCR testing, as well as examining the social and economic harms which have stemmed from the government’s COVID-19 response.

The documentary addresses the big questions which many of us have wondered about over the last few years.

Was our government justified in its response to COVID-19, was the government honest and transparent with New Zealanders, did the government use mass manipulation and coercion against the people of New Zealand, and were key players in academia and the media used to misrepresent the COVID-19 issue to shape public perception to gain acceptance of authoritarian control using covid-19 ‘fear’?

Saturated with messages of fear and death, New Zealand was transformed as the government made itself the ‘single source of truth’. Anyone who dared speak out against the government narrative became a threat and was slurred as a conspiracy theorist and antivax nutter.

Given what we know now, it is fair to ask: what if the ‘one source of truth’ did not tell the truth, and the government was not for the people, and in fact the enemy is the State?

Watch this informative documentary, that includes NZDSOS members, Drs Matt Shelton and Alison Goodwin in the parts 2 and 3 and assess the facts and evidence presented so you can question what occurred, and form your own opinion on the past few years, which seem to us an unquestionably dark time in our country’s history.

Assessing what happened in our country allows us to move forward together not only for healing but to do all we can to retain our sovereignty and freedoms.
