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The green future that awaits us. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Bob Jones

I’ve followed our politics since the 1949 election and say without hesitation that the current Green Party mob is the shabbiest lot of the post-war period with one, never to be matched, exception. Namely the abominable Jami-Lee Ross whose catastrophic political career ended with his risible ADVANCE Party in the 2020 election.

Jami has since found his true vocation, namely running a brothel, although from media accounts he’s even cocked that up given the publicised complaints from his stable.

When Eugenie Sage announced she was pulling stumps late last year I wasn’t surprised. If a little unworldly at times her zeal was commendable and she must have found some of her colleagues distasteful, as indeed they are.

A quarter century back in the days of Rod Donald, Jeanette Fitzgerald, Sue Bradford and Sue Kedgley, the Party commanded well-deserved public respect, albeit they were seen as overly idealistic at a time when there was a great deal less public concern on global warming and the like. Now they trade on their Green name, although notably their recent manifesto announcement was confined solely to the politics of envy rather than green issues.

Today, led by an accountant James Shaw who wouldn’t look out of place in a nun’s habit.

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