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Sure, a few farmer’s utes in NZ are the real problem. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One thing I’ve learned from trying to debate climate alarmists is that so much of what they know, just ain’t so. Rarely, outside of some of the more fervent evangelical religions or Amway consultants, have I met so many people who were so absolutely certain of so many things that are demonstrably untrue.

Whether it’s that humanity, not to say the entire planet, faces an existential threat from the current period of mild warming (it doesn’t), or that the UNIPCC is the world’s premiere scientific body (it’s a 100% political entity), or that “97% of scientists” endorse their catastrophic millenarianism, nearly everything the XR ninnies believe is just not true.

We can also add to this bonfire of idiocies, the delusions of the likes of the New Zealand government that beggaring their countries will make the slightest jot of difference to the climate.

New Zealand’s contribution to global human greenhouse emissions is just 0.16% of the total. Yet, the Ardern government wants to cripple New Zealand’s power generation, tax utes into oblivion and decimate the nation’s biggest revenue-earner, agriculture. Jacinda Ardern is determined to sign New Zealand on to the lunatic Paris Agreement.

The same agreement which will allow China to keep increasing its already gargantuan output of greenhouse gases.

A study from Sun Yat-sen University in China found that more than half of the world’s urban greenhouse gas emissions are generated in only 25 big cities, and 23 of them are located in China.

In other words, if the entire developed world cut its greenhouse gas emissions as activists, politicians, journalists, and celebrities have demanded, nothing would change regarding the climate. (This assumes human carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for warming the planet, which is a load of speculation that’s yet to be proved.)

Yet, despite these facts, I’ve had climate campaigners insist that China is actually cutting its ghg emissions. These people really do live on another, completely unhinged, planet.

Late last year, the Canadian Energy Centre, affiliated with the Alberta government, reported that as of 2020, 350 coal-fired power plants were under construction worldwide.

Seven were in South Korea, another 13 were in Japan. But China and India were building 184 and 52 plants, respectively.

China, which has not lived up to its emissions pledges even as the U.S. has decreased its GHG emissions, “is also building and financing hundreds of other coal-fired power plants in countries such as Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Egypt, and Bangladesh.”

A few months after the Canadian report, Yale Environment 360 noted that “despite pledges to cut emissions,” China, responsible for 28% of GHG emissions though it makes up less than 19% of the world’s population, has been “on a coal spree.”

The Chinese Communist Party must be pinching itself at the lunacy of the West.

The paper’s findings remind us of the great plastic scare that’s “inspired” lawmakers to outlaw single-use plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic utensils, and other modern products, in a mass pretense of doing something when in reality they’re doing nothing but inconveniencing people.

The data show 90% of ocean plastic pours into the sea from “the top 10 rivers with the highest loads” of plastic debris, according to the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany.

None are in the U.S., which contributes only about 1% percent of all plastic debris found at sea. Eight of them though are in Asia, while two are in Africa.

So why are activists constantly bullying the countries that contribute the least to the problems they constantly wax hysterical about?

That China is rarely a target of the fanatics tells us a lot: The climate scare is more about pulling down capitalism, weakening the U.S. and other developed nations, cranking out international transfers of wealth, and advancing socialism than it is about saving the world.

It’s no coincidence that the countries that are constantly mugged by the alarmists are those whose economic systems are the furthest removed from socialism on the political spectrum.

There’s no reason for them to denounce China because it’s already laboring under the system they want to inflict on the world.

Climate Change Dispatch

The Ardern government could take New Zealand back to the Stone Age (i.e. around 1800), and it wouldn’t make a jot of difference to the climate. But it would make it into a model of socialist governance: miserable, poor and a police state.

Sure, a few farmer’s utes in NZ are the real problem. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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