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The Stunning Kindness of the Ardern Regime

Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

You have to hand it to the tyrant, she really knows how to turn people against her with her evil behaviour.

This is a lovely example of the Ardern’s regime kindness towards the elderly.

Pensioners stuck in Australia face the prospect of a $16,000 bill from the Ministry of Social Development.

“We have stopped your payments and you will need to pay back the money you owe,” the Government ministry told the pensioners who have been stuck abroad for nearly a year.

The December 6 letter from the Ministry of Social Development to the Bay of Plenty’s Maureen and Rob Wardle, in their 80s, hit like a bombshell.

“Our New Zealand super was stopped on November 9,” a worried Maureen Wardle told the Herald today, explaining the couple’s financial and emotional distress.

But the bigger blow was the ministry’s pre-Christmas demand that the Wardles repay all the money they received from New Zealand while they were in Australia.

Because the Wardles left New Zealand last April, they have exceeded the maximum 26 weeks allowed for Kiwi pensioners to be away yet continued to receive their super.

Rob Wardle now owes $7676.33 and Maureen Wardle $8533.17, bringing the total to $16,209.50.

And the ministry wants its money back.

For the last three months, the couple has received no income from MSD and no support is provided by the Australian Government to help people trapped in this twilight zone-like territory.

“A further shock was getting letters saying we owe $16,209.50,”

NZ Herald

If you are illegally locked out of New Zealand by the government, they will then cancel your pension if they have prevented you from being able to return home for more than 26 weeks.

The Ardern regime not only locks the elderly out of the country, it robs them blind too.

This is not the Kiwi way, this is the Ardern way, and it is evil.

Leviticus 19:32 says “Stand up in the presence of the elderly, and show respect for the aged.”

The Ardern has very little respect for anyone, much less for our elders, who they are now robbing blind. It isn’t their fault they are stranded, it is the fault of an uncaring regime hell-bent on evil and destruction.

These people have been productive all their lives and now the regime steals pennies from their pockets.

Nasty, spiteful, and evil. That is Ardern’s legacy.

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