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Nigel Farage must be feeling vindicated. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

The police are supposed to be the thin blue line that stands between law-abiding citizens and criminal anarchy. In Australia, though, it’s become the thin blue protection racket standing between the Establishment Left and anyone who dares challenge them.

In Wellington, too, police filmed themselves exchanging triumphant high-fives after brutally smashing a peaceful protest. They’re rank amateurs. The really smart Establishment goons simply blackmail the enemies of the state.

This standover tactic first emerged in Melbourne — but of course — some years back. When violent blackshirted leftists started lobbing bricks at perfectly law-abiding people just trying to listen to a visiting gay, half-Jewish conservative, Victoria Police sent the target of the violent rioters a three-thousand dollar bill. The demand was so outrageous that police never got a cent — but the message was sent.

NSW police got the message — and got even smarter. This time, they sent the extortion demand before the event: along with an explicit threat.

Nigel Farage is currently engaged in a sold-out speaking tour of Australia ahead of the CPAC conference this weekend.
Nice little speaking tour you ‘ave there, guv. Be a shame if anyfink were to ‘appen to it.
NSW Police […] having solved every crime in the state, have decided to engage in a bit of friendly ransom to pass the time.

Essentially, the police threatened to close down the private speaking event in Pyrmont unless thousands of dollars were handed over based on ‘science’ that I’m sure we’ll never see. The compulsory bill is for security that the event did not want or ask for ‘just in case’ protesters showed up.

Why not fine the protesters if they cause trouble, you ask? Probably because there’s nobody to fine.

Perhaps cannily, Farage and the CPAC organisers chose the school holiday season to stage their events. You don’t expect students to protest on their own time, do you?

The trusty university activist class has gone missing.

It’s school holidays, which means Arts students and Gender Studies majors are lining Queensland beaches like blue bottles strewn over the sand after a tidal surge – only this time it was a wave of beer and vegan-friendly chips that did them in.

‘As it was we didn’t get any protesters at all,’ said Farage.

Not entirely true. A bare handful of flabby leftwingers, presumably with less friends than most and no holiday plans, turned up.

That’s rather beside the point, though. Because the simple fact remains: a mainstream conservative politician, former Member of the European Parliament and television news host was coerced into paying what amounts to little more than protection money by state police. In a state run by a supposedly conservative government.

‘If this happened in my country this would be a front-page story on every national newspaper…’ said Farage, after he wandered into the clutches of the Blue Mafia in NSW.

‘[…] The fundamental point is that for a meeting where conservative views were expressed, a ransom had to be paid. I would argue that if I had been a representative of Black Lives Matter or the Climate Change movement, that wouldn’t have happened […]

‘I came along to Australia as a visitor. This was a ticketed private venue. We had our own security – had there been a concern about violent protests we’d have known about it because there are always clues online about these things.’
Make no bones about it: this was nothing more than blatant extortion.
‘The NSW police asked for $3,000 Aussie dollars to be paid up otherwise they’d stop the event from taking place. The money was paid yesterday.

‘Even more extraordinarily, today at two o’clock another email came through to say if the contract wasn’t signed by four o’clock they’d stop the event going ahead.

Spectator Australia

Where were the media on this? Lobbing smears at Farage, of course. And the “conservative” NSW premier, Dominic Perrottet? Nowhere to be heard or seen.

Perhaps he hadn’t paid his own police force for the privilege of being allowed to speak in public.
