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The Transgender Dominatrix Girl Guides Leader

Just the role model your little girls need. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I have some good memories of the Girl Guides.

I understand that that statement may take some explaining: I was, in fact, a Cub and then a Scout in my youth, but my Mum was a Guides leader. She was thoroughly dedicated to her role and was a beloved figure among the girls in our community. As a family, we often helped organise and run some of the local Guides troop’s activities. One thing I can say for certain: Guides camps had infinitely better food than Scout camps!

I have no doubt that Mum would be horrified by the modern, woke version of “Guiding UK” (note the conspicuous absence of “Girl” in the name, now). The new, rainbow incarnation of Guides not only allows boys who claim to be girls join, but lets them share showers and tents.

Hands up how you think that’s going to end? Exactly as you fear, given the new leadership of the Guides.

The Girl Guides (now known as Guiding UK) has reportedly appointed as a ‘lead commissioner’ a man who identifies as a woman and has posted a photo of himself on social media wearing a leather bondage outfit and carrying a whip, with the caption ‘Behave yourselves or Mistress will have to punish you.’

Monica Sulley (also known as Monica Tetley) became a commissioner in the Southwell branch of the Girl Guides in July this year, the Daily Mail reports.

How on earth did we get from Lady Olave Baden-Powell to this?

Her appointment appears to be fully in line with the Girl Guides’ policy on ‘transgenderism’…

As a girl-only organisation with a trans-inclusive Equality and diversity policy, we treat trans girls and women according to the gender they have transitioned, or are proposing to transition, to. Meaning trans girls and trans women are welcome to be a part of our great charity.

In other words, teenage boys, with fully intact and functioning male genitalia, are invited to shower and sleep with teenage girls.

Unlike the smug wokesters of “Guiding UK”, a great many women seem to understand exactly what is wrong with this picture.

Among the responses:

Not only does inclusion of males in female spaces pose a risk to the females, but it also distorts reality when girls are forced to collude in the lie that boys are girls. Even if that boy who says he’s a girl is a lovely, gentle child, the girls are being gaslit. It is abusive.

Girl guiding: no longer fit for purpose.

Any organisation which gaslights my daughters into believing they should accept males into their safe spaces does not get my support. My daughter is not going back to her rainbows unit. The safety and dignity of girls has been left behind in your pursuit of woke cookies.

Another comment was devastatingly succinct:

This person should not be allowed anywhere near Girl Guiding. A totally inappropriate individual.


If you are naive enough to think that anyone at “Guiding UK” has the decency to be shamed into doing something, think again. The only action they have taken is to scrub the page giving details of team members from its website.

Is a cross-dressing, bondage-fancying pervert dominatrix overseeing a bunch of boys in dresses hanging around your daughters? That’s none of your business, bigot.


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