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The True Face of “Voice” Activism

Jacinta Price. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As Margaret Thatcher once said, “if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left”. Which should be immensely cheering to another woman who’s a rising star in conservative politics.

Country Liberal senator Jacinta Price is well used to personal attacks by now. Leftist social media have regularly bombarded the Aboriginal Australian woman with all manner of unhinged hate, especially vile racist slurs.

But racist insults from the bottom-feeders of social media is one thing. Entire websites set up just to vilify an Aboriginal female politician are quite another.

A website has been created to ­attack Country Liberal senator Jacinta Price and “racist media commentators and lobbyists” by anonymous proponents of the Yes campaign for an Indigenous voice to parliament.

The website is encouraging people to purchase $30 T-shirts that display the slogan Jacinta Doesn’t Speak For Me and sign a petition in a bid to mount pressure on Nationals leader David Littleproud to dump his party’s anti-voice position.

Interestingly, the slogan is all but identical to a Guardian article from just a couple of weeks ago, by one Lesley Turner, CEO of the Aboriginal quango, Central Land Council.

He is as Aboriginal as Lidia Thorpe. The BFD.

It’s no surprise that the CLC is very keen to get a racially exclusive parliamentary body foisted on Australians.

“Right-wing politician for the Country Liberal Party Jacinta Price has been out there trying to undermine the historic push to create a First Nations voice to parliament and the racist media commentators and lobbyists are lapping it up,” the website reads.

Which only goes to validate my observation that Anyone who uses the imported American nonsense-term “First Nations” is not a person to be taken seriously.

Not least because, as Thatcher noted, their vitriolic personal attacks show that they have not a single rational political argument to make.

The attacks come after the Nationals said they would formally oppose an Indigenous voice to parliament, with Senator Price calling it a “racist” proposal put forward by elites.
Senator Price said the pro-voice campaigners behind the website were hypocritically attempting to “silence” her voice despite her being a democratically elected Aboriginal woman.

“They just feel threatened if they have to attack me as a democratically elected Aboriginal woman. It kind of contradicts their argument to support Aboriginal voices when they’re trying to silence me.”

So, who’s behind it? Like most such sewer dwellers, they’re not exactly keen to out themselves.

The website seems to attempt to align itself with UNSW’s Indigenous Law Centre and the ­formal architects of the Uluru Statement of the Heart despite having no connection.
The Australian understands architects of the voice were on Wednesday scrambling to contact the website creators, but it remains unclear who is behind the website as its registration has been “redacted for privacy”.

The Australian

Of course the “architects of the voice” are keen to shut it down: they don’t want the ugliness and nastiness that is exactly what the Voice stands for exposed for all Australians to see.
