According to Phil Goff Donald Trump is a dangerous idiot. According to my reckoning Phil Goff is too much of an idiot to even be considered dangerous. According to Thomas Coughlan, Phil Goff’s comments, while in poor form, were one of the most refreshingly accurate descriptors of the president tendered by anyone currently serving in an official post. According to my reckoning that puts Thomas Coughlan in the same league as Phil Goff: the difference being Thomas Coughlan won’t be sacked.
Here’s the problem with Goff’s statement and Coughlan’s agreeing with it. Making a sweeping statement like that is to insult the American voters. Trump won in one of the biggest election landslides in American history. I have yet to read one piece of good analysis in the New Zealand media as to why that was or how it came about. I have little doubt that is because, having delivered buckets of misleading information to the public prior to the election, they would have embarrassed themselves by doing so.
This no doubt came about because most of their international sources of news are from left-wing media outlets and they were continually being given the wrong end of the stick. Having a left-wing bias themselves that would have suited them just fine. Peddling propaganda, which is what it was, for months on end is not my idea of good journalism. This is where the media gets into trouble and suffers the loss of readers, listeners and viewers, and advertisers, leading to financial difficulties and staff layoffs.
If the media had more balanced overseas sources, then we might have been given a more accurate picture of exactly what was happening in the presidential election. The reporting on the polls leading up to the election is a case in point. We were told that, according to the polls, this was a close-run race. It was not. The only time it was close was from an initial short-lived bump Kamala Harris had upon her anointment. The reason for this misleading information was data from polls run by left-wing media outlets biased towards the Democrats.
Those of us who were aware of the true state of the play knew what we were being fed was rubbish. It was obvious from about six months out, looking at numbers from the most accurate pollsters, that Trump was going to win in a landslide. There was equally misleading information about Kamala Harris and her campaign; you could have thought she ran a brilliant campaign but, in fact, it was one of the worst campaigns in American political history. She relied on word salads and appearances from Hollywood glitterati and the majority of voters saw through it.
Trump’s messages of ‘America First’ and ‘Draining the Swamp’ resonated with voters and are currently being actioned. Their appeal was felt strongly among younger and black voters. Little of this was heard or seen in the media here, which is an excellent example of why trust in the media has dropped to the level it has and will continue to do so.
I find it somewhat ironic that it takes a dangerous idiot to try to put plans in place to try to stop a war. I was unaware it took a dangerous idiot to fulfil promises made during an election campaign. I find it curious a dangerous idiot can have an over 50 per cent popularity rating. If it takes a dangerous idiot to wake Europe up on defence matters, that is a good thing.
There are certainly some of Trump’s policies that could be considered to have a dangerous element to them, such as his tariffs. Government employees might be in danger of losing their jobs but they are getting their just desserts from previous acts of weaponisation or using government communications channels to pass explicit sex messages and discussions.
Coughlan referred to the dressing down Zelensky got in the Oval Office. That wasn’t just from Trump. JD Vance was equally vociferous and Zelensky has only himself to blame. Having led the Trump administration to believe he was there to sign an agreement he, in front of the media, turned the tables on them. He turned an opportunity to end the war into a fool’s errand. Having seen the error of his ways he is now ready to sign.
Putin is now on notice and he might be in financial danger if he doesn’t agree to the peace plan. Many people think Trump is ‘cuddling up’ to him but far from it. Trump is trying to get Putin to the negotiating table, or in his parlance, dealing table. You don’t achieve that by appearing to be less than friendly towards him but, as in Trump’s first term, Putin will be left in no doubt what the consequences of not complying will be. Trump has already threatened to bankrupt Russia.
The New Zealand media need to realise that there are those who bother to find out what is actually going on in the world and not rely on the misinformation they spread.