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The Truth Train Is Hurtling Down the Track

gray and black train surrounded with trees during daytime
Photo by Sugden Guy sugden. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Five billion people have received over thirteen billion doses of a genetic device, fraudulently promoted as a vaccine.

The Pfizer version is now known to contain the nasty bits of a cancer virus called SV-40, and grossly large amounts of bacterial DNA that can turn your gut bacteria into a forever spike protein factory. This does not seem like an accident and regulators are completely silent.

Why should we believe this? What is going on?

There are increasing public forums to choose from where jab experts and other whistleblowers are educating on the truths of the horrendous ‘vaccine’ response to ‘COVID-19’. We have posted on lots of them already. Here, we present four such recent panels with truthful, evidence-backed presentations that together, or individually, demonstrate a number of inarguable, but very distressing, truths that we summarise towards the end of this article.

We have written on the Canadian Citizen’s Initiative already, here.

Some particularly compelling presentations from it included those of Dr Jessica Rose, here and Drs Laura Braden and the ever-credible Peter McCullough, here.

Next, the recent important session at the European Parliament, had brave MEPs, led by Christine Anderson, taking testimony from experts at at the International Covid Summit in Brussels. This can be viewed separately as Part 1, Part 2 and the press conference. Dr David Martin’s intro is especially powerful.

Thirdly, here is an example of what is most likely to break centralised control of public heath policy as a weapon for global power. It is a direct appeal to LOCAL politicians of a single state, Idaho, with the capacity to protect their residents. Councillors are presented with a series of short, punchy statements from acknowledged experts.

Finally, GP Melissa McCann’s speech at a United Australia medical forum lays out her proof that Australian regulators covered up the vaccine deaths of children in order to keep the campaign going amongst a weary public. This gross neglect and willful suppression should surely be a nail in the TGA’s coffin.

Any of these presentations of sworn testimony by credentialled experts and ‘on the ground’ whistleblowers stand up to scrutiny…

… and all pass the science ‘sniff test’ with references and a highly consistent message from many different sources. In particular, however, uncertainties and gaps in our understanding are acknowledged, and the importance of proceeding from the inarguable facts of high deaths and even higher injuries to an immediate recall and cessation of the jabs, pending proper unbiased examination.

It is looking less likely that federal, or national, courts are allowed the independence to intervene and stop the harm.

In NZ’s case, this means we have to lobby our MPs, councils, regulators, police, school boards, employers, hospitals, GPs, pharmacies and vax centres. Court actions should still be brought, ‘just in case’ our judges come to their senses in our disappearing democracy, and find correctly on criminal wrong-doing and the neglect of public safety.

With the multi-pronged proofs presented here, surely criminal charges of key responsible players, by the people or the police on their behalf, will begin in the many countries similarly damaged by negligence, recklessness and perhaps worse. NZ must do its part to contribute to the international effort to punish those responsible.

Summary Points from Expert Panels

To save time, here are some common themes and takeaways from these hearings, almost every single one of which NZDSOS has been trying to warn the public and officials about, since over two years ago.

This is not to aggrandise ourselves but to show unison on the malfeasance and ongoing recklessness by supposed public servants.

(Please note: For the unaware this list will be truly shocking and difficult to believe, but we urge you to listen to these experts above and try to decide for yourself which side has the most to gain or lose from the official narratives and actual truths presented here. There are many other enquiries and presentations, but the 3 we have profiled are recent and comprehensive).

The mRNA jabs are the most harmful pharmaceutical products in modern history.  (Pfizer knew that 1023 people died following the first injection before our rollout started here in NZ. Officials knew this too, and of the harms in pregnancy.)

They are very inconsistent in composition, highly contaminated, and adulterated by large amounts of bacterial DNA, amongst other substances.

Several declared ingredients are classified NOT for use in humans or animals. Other components are still secret.

The vaccine injured and dead are being ignored, gaslit and denied. The sheer numbers are being disguised.

The jab’s justification was a made-up story about an apocalyptically awful natural virus that had “jumped species”.

Almost every excuse and basis for the jabs supposed emergency development and urgent rollout was a lie.

The PCR test knowingly over-diagnosed the numbers actually ill or infectious, and asymptomatic people were never a threat.

Many people never at risk from the covid-19 illness have died due to the shots, possibly as many as 1 per 1000 doses.

In the jabbed, long covid is actually “long vaccine”, with multiple different mechanisms of harm.

CDC, FDA, NIH, TGA and equivalent bodies around the vaccinated world were told to rubber stamp the jabs, and they would have liability protection.

The jab contents and the resulting spike protein are NOT quickly cleared and may be permanent in many people, hard coding into DNA.

Fake studies paid for by vaccine investors were used to discredit real treatments, like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

Governments have lied to their people over and over, and withheld critical safety information, causing needless deaths.

Professional medical organisations have been bribed and roped into contracts that prevent them from reversing course.

Children, babies and teens have died, with resulting cover-ups, lies, denial and some secret pay-offs.

Most government experts, public officials, regulators and many health professionals have been tricked and manipulated by state-of-the-art nudging, including payments. There is mass denial, guilt, overwhelm, fear and silence.

The “vaccine” is owned and rolled out under military law in the US, which requires no safety testing, informed consent nor good manufacturing practice.

US military doctors were ordered NOT to report incidents of vaccine harm and deaths in the thousands of service people affected.

Medical journals have been retracting or refusing articles that undermine the narrative. Media and officials ignore those that do get published.

The many jab harms are mostly explained/predictable by knowledge of cell biology, genetics and biochemistry. The mystery is that they were rolled out at all.

The jabs do not work to prevent disease and there is no evidence of reduced severe illness from Covid-19.

All ‘Pfizered’ governments knew about unprecedented harms occurring immediately at the start of mass vaccination. They have ploughed on regardless in full knowledge of further deaths to come, as unbelievable as this seems.

Round the world, people are dying in record numbers, many in younger age groups that would not normally just drop dead, or have strokes or “turbo cancers”. Clearly, the jabs are responsible, if only because of official silence.

High levels of harm in pregnancy, fertility, gene damage and cancer are being seen in vaccine recipients.

The shots cause COVID-19 symptoms, repeated infections and positive test results.

Media organisations have been instructed to follow political messaging, and funded accordingly. They ignore jab injuries but report many sudden death ” mysteries”.

Professionals who speak out are treated with aggressive censorship, threats, fines and regulatory action. The few brave MPs also are ignored, attacked or expelled.

Courts, coroners and pathologists are unwilling to challenge the establishment by finding truthfully.

Patents, journal articles, screen shots, pandemic exercises and OIA responses all prove that weaponisation and financialisation of bioweaponised coronavirus and vaccines go back at least ten years, and potentially several decades.

All around the world, the majority of previously well-meaning health professionals have ditched their professional ethics and thrown their lot in psychologically with their ‘captors’ – their regulators and governments. The explanation for this is clear, the consequences catastrophic, and the remedy is uncertain at this stage.

Life-saving treatments were deliberately suppressed, to protect profits and maintain the experimental jabs as somehow ‘legal’. Prescribing doctors were punished.

Many more brand new jabs, using this same platform, are planned for humanity, with stringent dictates from the WHO overriding our human rights to choose or decline, and removing national decision-making.

We agree, and we must wrest back a positive future for humanity – if that is still possible, given the many yet unknowns for heavily vaccinated people. It seems impossible for mid-level officials and many doctors to say they don’t know there is a problem, but a majority must still be in denial.

Added to the other assaults on our old way of life – water, energy, food farming, medical choices, financial privacy – pattern recognition tells us our country seems to have been invaded.
