The left-media have another reason to hate Elon Musk – he’s thrown his stupendous social media and political clout into trying to bring a semblance of justice to the thousands of white British children industrial-scale raped by gangs of Muslim men. As Musk has rightly pointed out, for decades the horror was actively covered up – and still is – by police, civil authorities and politicians. Allegedly all the way to No. 10.
The media should also be sweating that their own shameful role in the cover-up is about to be exposed.
As another critic has pointed out, if it emerged that gangs of white British men had systematically pack-raped Muslim girls, the story would never be off the front pages. But when it was Muslims pack-raping, torturing and even allegedly murdering white British girls with impunity for decades, the media – with a handful of laudable exceptions – couldn’t bury the story fast enough.
According to GB News’s Charlie Peters, whose dogged reporting has shed much light on these horrific crimes, there are ‘credible reports’ of grooming gangs being active in dozens of different towns and cities across Britain. These organised rape squads have targeted mainly white working-class but also Sikh girls, inflicting unimaginable horrors on children for decades. Former home secretary Jack Straw said victims were seen as, ‘easy meat’. Indeed, victims say perpetrators referred to them as, ‘white slag,’ ‘white trash,’ and one case even involved forced sharia marriages.
Despite this, the racially and religiously motivated element of these heinous crimes remains hardly discussed. The Telford inquiry (2022) revealed more than 1,000 girls were abused, and said it had gone on for decades, beginning as far back as the 1980s. The Jay report into Rotherham (2014) said that 1,400 children in the town were subject to ‘appalling’ abuse over 16 years from 1997. The ‘majority’ of known perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage. In Oxford, there may have been as many as 373 victims.
That is, there were hundreds of crimes in the very town were nearly all of the British media class went to university. Yet, they couldn’t be less interested.
The numbers tell the truth beyond doubt.
Independent journalist Matt Goodwin used the well-known journalism database Lexis, used to search content across media sources, to compile the data on just how widely the UK media reported the Muslim child-rape gangs.
What did I find?
Let’s look at the years 2011–2025 because before that, even though the rape gangs scandal goes back decades, there was NOTHING in UK media.
They didn’t touch it AT ALL – despite widespread rumours pushed by groups like the BNP and EDL.
Yet, prior to 2011 was also the majority of the time British PM Keir Starmer was the UK’s chief prosecutor – a time when, he claims, he tackled prosecuting Muslim child-rape gangs ‘head on’. Yet, absolutely nothing was reported by the British media.
However, 2011 was a critical year – because that’s when Andrew Norfolk of the Times bravely risked abuse and harassment by breaking the wall of silence and writing the first reports on the horror. After that, the mainstream media couldn’t stay completely silent – but they could still bury the story as deep as possible.
Which is exactly what they did.
In 2011–2025 there were 4,659 articles specifically focused on the “grooming gang” phenomenon. That’s in all UK newspapers.
If that sounds like a lot to you, don’t be fooled. Compare those 4,659 articles with the coverage UK newspapers gave to other scandals and topics.

I think the numbers speak for themselves.
Relative to other scandals and amid a strong liberal bias in parts of the media class, the mass rape of young, working-class white girls and women just wasn’t a priority.
In fact, as the graph shows, it was buried in a noise of left-wing talking points. The UK media were 500 per cent more likely to babble about ‘Islamophobia’ than Muslims pack-raping non-Muslim girls. They were 4,900 per cent to screech about the ‘far-right’: meaning the likes of Tommy Robinson, who has dedicated his life at tremendous personal cost, to exposing what the media were trying to keep hidden.
Despite the undeniable racist motive of the child-rapers, the British media were obsessed with smearing white Britons as ‘racists’.
Even the outlets that broke the story and pushed it, such as the Times, were six times more obsessed with the death of a black American criminal drug addict than the pack rape of thousands of British girls.
As for the uber-‘progressive’ Guardian, they couldn’t have buried the story deeper if they tried.
Between 2011 and 2025 the Guardian had 113 articles on the grooming gang phenomenon compared to 3,325 for “Islamophobia”.
What about the BBC?
We can look at BBC News 24 and BBC Radio 4.
There were 357 specific mentions of the “grooming gang” scandal in BBC News/Radio 4 transcripts.
Meanwhile, there were 7,537 for “George Floyd”, 3,219 for “Stephen Lawrence”, 7,416 for “Black Lives Matter”, and 2,259 for “Islamophobia” […]
You get the picture. I won’t keep going.
These horrifically brutalised and abused children were never, ever, a priority for the UK media. Because their abusers are one of the most sacred, protected classes in the media’s hierarchy of worship. These are arguably the most grotesque, egregious crimes in the annals of British history, perpetrated almost entirely by the single group practically fetishised by the British media.
Millions of people are now asking some enormous questions. How did our country let this happen to our children? Why was it overlooked? Why did so many people stay silent? Is it still happening today? What can we do to stop it? Who is pursuing the truth in media? Who is naming and shaming? And why does the UK media class fall over itself when a single American man dies in Minneapolis while seemingly not giving a shit about the thousands of CHILDREN who have been abused, raped and harassed here in Britain?
As the media and political left’s unhinged attacks on Elon Musk, who has forced the shameful scandal back into the spotlight show, the British media are terrified that their complicity is being exposed.