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The Ultimate Whisky – Ballechin – 46% – 2004 to 2015

Most people have never heard of this whisky,

It is not ‘Ball Chin’ Ir is ‘Ball-eh-chin’ ….. I think:)

I have had Ballechin before and most have been good, most have been cask strength.

I think this is a tad under powered.

But click to listen to my notes.

Oh, Don’t forget to follow the shit out of my Instagram @eat_smoke_drink and subscribe, If you don’t like the video, Don’t subscribe, that’s ok!


Bolger Thought He Was Secure Too

Bolger Thought He Was Secure Too

Jim Bolger thought he was secure when he went overseas as Prime Minister, only to be met by my father telling him Jenny Shipley had the numbers to roll him. Chris Hipkins now dances with the same perils as he swans off to the UK.

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