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Former President Donald Trump’s position on abortion has previously been unclear looking toward the 2024 presidential election, despite the fact that the former president appointed three Supreme Court justices who ultimately made it possible to overturn Roe v. Wade in June 2022 by a majority vote. He now says each state should follow “the will of the people” and pass state-specific laws on abortion. It’s a pretty clear binary choice for choosing the next President. Trump for Life of the Unborn. Biden for Killing the Unborn.


Former President Donald Trump position on abortion has previously been unclear looking toward the 2024 presidential election, despite the fact that the former president appointed three Supreme Court justices who ultimately made it possible to overturn Roe v. Wade in June 2022 by a majority vote.

He now says each state should follow “the will of the people” and pass state-specific laws on abortion.

He had previously hinted at a federal ban across the country limiting it to 15 weeks

But this week he laid out his policy. I want to play you the full clip so that you can hear it all in context – something the media in NZ will never do.

He first talked about IVF and encouraging families to have babies – and this is a good tool if it promotes the natural process between married couples. Unfortunately IVF has become about surrogacy, sperm donation and manipulating science and parenthood, and the discarding of fertilised embryos – those parts of IVF are unacceptable.

But here’s his comments about abortion

So although Trump championed the overturning of Roe, he did not publicly say whether he would endorse a 15- or 16-week abortion ban, which prominent anti-abortion activists had hoped he would endorse.

I don’t think he’d veto it though – as Biden would definitely do!

Since the Dobbs decision, some in the Republican camp have sought a 15-week limitation, and some Democrats on the other side of the aisle want to “codify” Roe v. Wade with virtually limitless abortion access nationwide.

Here’s what the worst Vice President in history Kamala Harris said

Ugh. “Providing care” – killing an unborn child.

President Biden and Harris love abortion

And Biden in his State of the Union speech last month

Now I have seen very little coverage of this in NZ media, of course. Probably because it’s an effective strategy and they’re not sure how to attack it. Although – I did hear Mike Hosking on Newstalk ZB rubbish Trump’s statements about after birth abortions – and his side comment was – well, that never happens.

Actually, it does Mike. We know it’s happening in Australia, and in the US, at the beginning of last year,

The House of Representatives passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act with votes at 220-210. If approved by the Senate, the legislation would require health practitioners to care for an infant that is born alive after a failed abortion, according to the law. But Biden will veto it.

The report by ABC News – definitely not anti abortion – said “Failed abortions where infants are born alive are extremely rare. In Minnesota, which tracks those cases, there were over 10,000 abortions performed in 2017 and only three cases where an infant was born alive, according to a department of health report.”

Oh – so there were some. One is one too many. And that’s just one state.

And if they don’t happen, why didn’t the Democrats just support this law to ban them? I mean – they don’t happen, apparently. So it doesn’t matter.

They do. And the Democrats voted AGAINST banning partial birth abortions – just like the majority of disgraceful MPs in NZ who also did when our law was debated. Truly despicable.

Let’s look at what the pro-life groups said in response

Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America (CWA), said

“The reality of a stark choice between President Biden who supports abortion: any number, any reason, up until birth, all paid for by the taxpayer and President Trump: who gave us three Constitutionalist justices, 220 lower court judges, appointees who support life and the overturn of Roe v. Wade has my endorsement and support in November for President,

But said she “favours federal limits on abortion.” That’s country wide bans.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, said while they are “deeply disappointed” in Trump’s position, the group will “work tirelessly to defeat President Biden and extreme congressional Democrats.”

“Unborn children and their mothers deserve national protections and national advocacy from the brutality of the abortion industry. The Dobbs decision clearly allows both states and Congress to act.”

Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, said “there remains an urgent need to advocate for the unborn at the federal level.

Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote, said that “while federal legislation on abortion policy is challenging at present, we are confident that a Trump administration will be staffed with pro-life personnel committed to pro-life policies, including conscience rights, limits on taxpayer funding of abortion, and protections for pro-life states.”

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life Action, praised Trump for “celebrating ‘the ultimate joy in life’—children and family” in his comments.

“That kind of love and support for the bedrock of society, the family, will be a welcome change in the White House… We clearly have some work to do to educate the Trump administration to come on the many ways that abortion has been made federal.”

Polls have shown, time and again, that most Americans want abortion to be legal after the 2022 that overturned Roe v Wade and returned the issue to the states after several decades, though many are open to restrictions such as a ban after 16 weeks.

So they support abortion but certain types – and definitely want restrictions. That’s something Democrats – and pro abortion politicians in NZ don’t want. They have no respect or acknowledgement of the unborn child.

The Family Policy Alliance which is a coalition of state based organisations like Family First and who gather together and invite me to be part of it each year as the informal 51st state, said “Just as with the issue of slavery, a state-by-state patchwork of policy on protecting life won’t work… the federal government is ultimately responsible for safeguarding the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all citizens in this country… As a prolife organization, our allegiance is to the Giver of Life and to the principle that all people are created in His image and deserve protection, starting in the womb. Our loyalty is NOT to politicians or parties.”

Commentators have said that Trump’s stance could play well with centrist and independent voters, who are mostly likely to decide the fate of the 2024 election. He appeared to allude to that by encouraging listeners to “do what’s right for your children. Do what’s right for our country and vote.”

As Biden battles high disapproval numbers because he’s such a terrible President, Democrats are hoping to galvanize voters around abortion once again to aid the reelection campaign. Amongst all the issues affecting the US, President Biden and vice President Kamala Harris have identified THE key issue. Is it the border, Hamas terrorism or the threat of Iran, or the concerns about the economy and rocketing petrol and food prices, or Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Nope – they all pail into significance compared with one thing – killing the unborn child.

It’s a pretty clear binary choice for choosing the next President

Trump for Life of the Unborn

Biden for Killing the Unborn

Trump may have subtly undermined the Democrats plan by saying that states can decide,

Priests for Life National Director Frank Pavone said in a statement “I thank the president for his statement, but I don’t expect him to do my job. I expect him to do his. My job and the job of the pro-life movement is to lay out the moral absolute of the right to life, which does not admit of compromise.”
