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The Unvaccinated Are the New Lepers

Illustration of a French medieval leper. On either side of him are hand crutches which would be used to propel the leper forward. He is also sat with his head down and covered by a hat, a begging sign around his neck and rosary beads in his hand. Dated 18


“Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!

Leviticus 13:45 New International Version Bible

The guilt is being piled on anyone in New Zealand who is considering not having the ‘miracle’ vaccine for COVID-19. They are being given the impression (or told directly) that they are selfish and unkind because they are putting others at grave risk of catching this virus because of their personal choice. Families and friends are divided and taking sides over this dilemma. It is becoming difficult to discuss the positives and negatives of the vaccine as people are fearful of being labelled ‘anti-vaxxers’.

A discussion about the pros and cons of having a Covid vaccination in many New Zealand circles these days is off-limits and will get you as vilified as if you chose to discuss religion, Trump or Jacinda Ardern.

In biblical times there were many instances of people considered to be unclean. They were to be shunned and excluded and had to warn others of their disease.

Illustration of a French medieval leper. On either side of him are hand crutches which would be used to propel the leper forward. He is also sat with his head down and covered by a hat, a begging sign around his neck and rosary beads in his hand. Dated 18
When leprosy was identified in a man or woman, he or she had to live alone (Leviticus 13:46). According to Josephus, Jewish lepers were expelled from the city (Josephus, Flavius. The Wars of the Jews 5.227). Everywhere they went they had to shout out loud, “Unclean, unclean!

The Talmud required that a leper had to stay six feet (1.8 m) away from other people and 150 ft (45.6 m) when there was wind. According to the Mishnah, anyone who touched a leper, was near a leper, touched anything that a leper had touched, or entered his/her home was ceremonially unclean.                                                                


In New Zealand, the unvaccinated in some instances have lost their jobs. All those who work in Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) facilities and government agencies at the border now have to be vaccinated. The Government has introduced the new requirements under the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021.

Kiwis have heard now that the threat of “No Jab, No Job” may become a reality. Employment lawyers are appearing on TV news, giving their learned take on employment laws where this could be written into employment contracts. The government has opted out of making this mandatory but in principle is agreeing to it by cowardly placing the burden of this decision onto employers.

Employers can require vaccination as a term of new employment agreements, but this must be reasonable for the role (for example, required for health and safety reasons). This must not be unlawful discrimination under the Human Rights Act.

The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act may also apply. Under this Act, everyone has the right to refuse medical treatment, including vaccination, though this right can be subject to justified limits.                                                                            

Some people are expressing their fears of being near those who are not vaccinated. They report their friends and neighbours if they see them breaking lockdown rules. Kiwis are aware from the news that police are coming down hard by handing out fines and arresting lawbreakers, especially if they are with others.

There are also Kiwis who think this fear is madness. They want the virus to run its course, rather than mandate that all shops, businesses, schools, butchers, greengrocers, garden centres and restaurants, except essential services, must close. They no longer want the public to isolate from others for weeks. Voices For Freedom’s recent webinar had a passionate conversation with special guest, Dr Roger Hodkinson.

The government is now alluding to the fact that a virus can not actually be contained. New Zealand has an outbreak of Delta and may need to backpedal from the ‘elimination’ strategy.

Now Boris Johnson has given everyone their freedoms back with no further lockdowns, the UK is getting back to normal. Workers are being required to come back to work at the office. Human Resource managers will be scrambling when a worker who has worked at home for 18 months says, “I’m not coming to work if there is an unvaccinated person in the same office”. The ‘unclean’ or unvaccinated are likely to be shunned at work.

The biblical requirement in the Old Testament was to cry out, “Unclean, Unclean” to warn others of the disease they were carrying, telling them to keep away. Now the ‘unclean’ are those who are free of disease but simply prefer not to have the Covid jab. Will they too have to wear torn clothes, let their hair grow long and unkempt, and oh, wear a mask?

Will they be given the cold shoulder by some Kiwis who want them to stay outside the “City Walls?

We may even have to learn a new language (understated British humour)

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