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The US Surgeon General Isn’t Blind like the Others

blind blindfold statue

Steve Kirsch

Founder, Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (

Here is the letter Joe Ladapo sent to the FDA and CDC yesterday. It speaks for itself.


He also issued this Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety.

What is stunning is the silence from the medical community and other state surgeon generals.

One surgeon general is on the right side of history. The others? Well, not so much.

It would be great to have a debate on this issue, wouldn’t it? Clearly, it’s something that is important to resolve. But there will be no debates.

Ladapo calls for transparency. The single best way to provide that transparency is to release the record-level data on deaths and vaccination so that EVERYONE can see what is going on.

Will they do this? Not a chance.

The reason is simple: Our government doesn’t want anyone to find out how many Americans they have killed.

If they want to prove me wrong, release the data! There is absolutely no reason to hide the truth.
