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The Vaccination Questions No One Is Asking

frog pot boiling water frog in the pot

Dunedin Mum

I’m one of those dodgy conservatives who doesn’t trust our government. I have some opinions that run contrary to those of our lovely PM Jacinda Ardern.

For example, I believe that the evidence points strongly towards COVID-19 having been created in a lab. I also didn’t believe Ashley during lockdown when he repeatedly assured us there was “plenty of PPE”. And I didn’t believe the footage I saw early on of Chinese citizens dropping instantly dead from this virus on the street – it screamed “fake news” to me.

These days, I’m starting to feel a bit like a frog being boiled. The only difference between the other frogs and me is that I can see the bubbles in the water and I know I’m sitting in a pot. The other frogs are busy enjoying their free sauna and relaxing.

One more confirmation of my “slowly bring to a boil” status occurred today, at lunchtime.

There’s a vaccination centre at the bottom of The Meridian, in Dunedin. I went for a look, as I was curious about a few things. I thought I’d ask a few questions of one of the friendly helpers lined up next to the QR codes and hand sanitizers at the entrance to the centre.

So I asked when the rollout of the vaccine would be happening for the general population. My friendly helper was very apologetic – she answered that she didn’t know and wasn’t likely to know any time soon, but it might be “at least two months, maybe much more.”

I then asked if the rollout would be alphabetical for us poor general population types, or according to where we live, or based on some other metric. She could confirm that it definitely would not be alphabetical, but instead “based on the records we get from the doctors and health centres.”

I thanked her again, and left. I’ve learned from experience that the more polite you are, and the more innocent you appear, and the friendlier you are, the more likely you are to gather information.

So – let me get this right –  from what she said our doctors are going to share our private information with the vaccine centres (not necessarily with our consent), at the direction of the government.

Maybe this doesn’t worry you, but it sure worries me. Just those couple of minutes talking to someone who probably doesn’t know a whole lot – that was enough to give me the shivers.

Last I checked, our medical records were private information, accessible by only our doctor and ourselves (upon request).

Yet now it seems like the government may be accessing our personal medical records, and sharing our medical records without our express request that they do so. I can’t help wondering – to what end? How does this all end?

As far as I know, nobody is mentioning this in Parliament. Nobody is asking the questions that spring to mind about this.

Such as, if we choose to decline the vaccine, will this affect our rights at work, at private businesses, and at public venues?

Who else is the government going to share our private medical records with?

Will I be able to keep my job if I decline the vaccine? Will I be able to fly on a plane, or ride a bus, or visit my children’s school? Will I be able to access a hospital in an emergency?

Nobody is asking. It’s crickets.

I want answers. I don’t particularly care what other people choose to do regarding the vaccine. It’s their right to have it, or not have it. Likewise, I’m not 100% convinced one way or the other whether I want to have it. I honestly haven’t decided yet.

However, anyone who does not want the vaccine should not be penalised in any way. Their body, their choice (how often has the Left told us that?). My body, my choice.

I don’t know where this all leads but I recall a very wise man once saying, “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

I can’t help thinking he was right, and this push towards authoritarianism will end badly, whether people have had the vaccine or not.

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